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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @JeffKing1989: thank you! For the dispell name you have to enter the names as they appear on wowhead, in English and with the correct Capitalizazion and spacing
      @dudekde22: thank you man :)
      @Boomboom: what are you using? lazyraider, bgbot or pvpbot? have you tried messing up with "Do not dismount EVER" and "Do not dismount ooc" settings?
    2. Boomboom

      Boomboom Member

      Dec 11, 2010
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    3. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      the setting in the GUI are right, the setting in the log are the same? can you post a log of a BG run pls? a full log
    4. akassaw

      akassaw Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      This is by far the most capable healing paladin CC out there. IMO.
    5. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Thank you ^__^
    6. Dimention

      Dimention New Member

      Oct 6, 2011
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      Dinged 85 today, bought 5 blue pvp items from Ah and hopped into random BG with your profile and bam bam top of the line healing from a total newb.. Haha
      I won the healing by a mile or two..
      Awesome work you have done.
      Thank you very much.
    7. Reaver8005

      Reaver8005 Member

      Nov 14, 2010
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      Awesome CC Gilderoy. Thank you very much.

      I have of sort of a silly question. Is there a way of making it only cast Beacon on the tank? Meaning it shouldnt try and cast it on yourself or a party member when the tank moves out of range or leaves the party. Maybe i have overlooked an option in the config. It kinda looks odd especially in HOO when the tank teleports. You cast it on someone else and 2 seconds later back on the tank.
    8. wooinau

      wooinau Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This CC seriously is awesome :)

      I have a question though for those that use it in raids. Do you use selective healing with only the tank and yourself selected? If not, how do you counter the mana burn when your toon burns through mana trying to heal up the raid? Just wondering what settings people are using to optomise their tank healing as they progress through Firelands.

      Thanks in advance :)
    9. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      There MIGHT be a way of changing this (i've currently stopped playing world of warcraft, so i am not 100% sure about this)
      What you can try and do is to do the following:
      Under Tank Selection, set all PvE related tabs to "Select tank from focus"

      You got to use /focus on a target now to get a beacon on it, but that's just how it is.
    10. wooinau

      wooinau Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      In addition to previous comments - I've tried my hand at healing both BoT (normal) and firelands (normal) in 365 gear and must admit it struggled to keep the tank up, with selective healing of just my tank and myself. I now wonder if in addition to using the build in the first post, if there is something else I have done wrong. I have at least 4 pieces of BIS (normal) 378 gear, a 2 set T11 bonus and have followed mrrobot websites enchants, gems and reforging suggestions.. (basically reforging most crit/mastery to haste (now at 15.2%) and a little bit of extra spirit, with Tsunami and Petrified Pickle Egg to assist with both of these stats)

      I take heart from the guy that said it healed Firelands Heroics for him well enough and I certainly feel I should have been comfortable right up until 5or6/7 in FL and made BoT a breeze, but instead seemed to struggle, even in BoT. The bot favoured Divine Light and seemed to fall behind on healing when spamming this.

      Any help would be appreciated. I don't have logs, but can certainly try again this week and provide them if it it seems worth it to anyone. If it is needed, I can link my toon through one of the anonymous link sites.
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
    11. Dubbelu

      Dubbelu New Member

      May 13, 2011
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      Great CC, used it to level my paladin. Just disabled the top-off because it drained my mana like crazy in those low level instances.
    12. nfantry

      nfantry New Member

      Jan 20, 2011
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      Link your toon, and maybe take a screenshot of your raid settings... I have healed 7/7 FL and 4/7H (Rhyo,ALy,SHann,Domo) and frequently beat the other healer or healers, with tons of mana left over. And I am only i372.
    13. wooinau

      wooinau Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is a link to my toon Level 85 Human Paladin | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory

      I have the raid settings in the bot (if that is what you're referring to?) all set to default, except for selective healing with just the tank and myself. I only tried this out in raid after enjoying the success I was seeing in 5mans and probably need to refine.

      Thanks for the response!
    14. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Your talent tree is different to the one recommended on the first page, not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.


      If you just heal yourself and the tank, does anyone else die ?

    15. bearsmacked

      bearsmacked New Member

      Aug 13, 2010
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      Just a quick question for you all who raid on this. Do you use speed settings? Do you choose to only heal the tank or raid heal? I tried healing in a 25 man before and it kept people up alright but I was way low on the healing meters. I didn't feel like it was doing the best it could be and I was wondering if there is a magic setup that works best in raids-or if leaving it default should work.

      Any tips for a noob would be appreciated. In 5-mans I am fine, but it seems in raids I struggle.
    16. JeffKing1989

      JeffKing1989 New Member

      Feb 16, 2010
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      Hmm, when your tank reaches lower health (like less than 90%), does the CC immediately start healing the tank? Does the CC re-cast immediately after the previous cast? If not, then try changing your Speed setting and try healing again. See if it's better.

      I may be wrong but don't healers generally have different jobs? For example, one healer's job is to heal tanks only, the job of the other healers is to heal the whole raid?

      If you're equally geared vs the other healers, yet these healers output alot more healing DPS. Then it must be your speed setting (slow casting, slow reactions, etc.). Try changing your speed setting and see what happens.
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
    17. wooinau

      wooinau Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the reply.

      During the raids in question, I was using the cookie-cutter build on the first page. The changes you see are just some minor experimentation I have done since and do not represent the settings used during those raids.

      Nobody else was dying, and when I appeared to not be doing too much else - I did use Holy Radiance (manually) at a stacking point, when my tank had full health.

      On some "attempts" I tried to allow it to not selectively heal and I found that it did not always favour the tank quickly enough and would go almost oom from trying to heal the raid.

      Like "bearsmacked" above me - I guess I am asking those that successfully raid to share their experiences. What settings from the "default" are they are adjusting for their raiding? (10man) Are they using the default talent build in this thread, or find something else works better? Any FL fight specific tips would be handy and helpful and appreciated :)

      My first thoughts were, it's my toon. Too little mana regen? stats not quite right? I'm not sure at this stage.
    18. JeffKing1989

      JeffKing1989 New Member

      Feb 16, 2010
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      I'm still fairly new to holy healing and this CC. Have some questions:

      1) My 'Tank Priority' and 'Multiplier' (from the CC) settings are both set to 0, so sometimes the CC will heal one DPS first and then the tank. My question is that if I still want to heal the tank (but higher priority) and my party members, then what should the % of 'Tank Priority' and 'Multiplier' be? 50%? 20%? I've tried putting 20% and the result was... I dunno. Also, what does the Multiplier setting mean?

      2) Sometimes I struggle with healing; when party members get hit really bad (10k damage or so on each member) in like every 5 seconds, my mana drops to 80% or less when the fight ends. Is that normal? Also, when I checked Recount, it's shown 60% for overhealing :S. Is it that bad? What went wrong? Was it because of my lag latency? Or was it because the CC used high heals on people with almost full healths - causing more mana waste?

      3) If my lag latency is 150~200ms, then what should the setting of 'pre-casting' be set to? >_<

      4) What causes higher mana re-gen in battle? Spirit or intellect?

      Thanks a lot if you answer... BTW you can see my armory here:

      I've lost the logs but when I was healing, I watched the HB interface closely (where the green, blue and white lines are) and I didn't see any red line (errors) most of the time... I need more testing.
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
    19. 15outland

      15outland New Member

      Mar 27, 2011
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      going terrible in BGs, it targets the alliance and starts healing, but it's really just always healing me by the looks of it.
    20. Gilderoy

      Gilderoy New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      @dimention: thank you, happy is working good for you :)
      @Reaver8005: The CC has no way to tell if the tank teleported out of the dungeon or just teleported to the next room. the only thing you can do is "disable Beacon" (i do not remember if is available in dungeon setting) and cast beacon of light by yourself :)
      @wooinau and all the discussion: That's IMVHO the wrong way of using selective healing.
      You want your tank to be healed more then the other, fine, that's what "Healing tank priority" and "Multiplier" are for.
      Selective healing is a big bad butcher knife while you need a sharp stiletto for the raid job most of the cases.
      Try setting "Healing tank priority" to 100% and "multiplier" to 1 with selective healing OFF and see if that help.
      Also this CC was programed with a Crit/Spirit set in mind, meaning all your pieces of gear should have Crit/Spirt or be reforged to have Crit/Spirit.
      This is because Haste is a mana burner AND increase overhealing.
      Why do not use selective healing?
      Because of beacon of light. Since it copy 50% of all the healing done to anyone else on the tank every heal NOT on the tank will heal for 150%
      This means that your healing meter will skyroket.
      Ok, but to not let the tank die there is Healing tank priority and multiplier. with setting of 100 and 1 this means that the CC will heal someone that is not your tank only if that someone has Half or less the health percentage of your tank.
      @Dubbelu: happy is working good for you :)

      What this CC do best? healing 2 tank at a time.
      If you are in raid and you are assigned to heal 2 tanks then select tank1 as tank in lazy raider, turn on "ignore beacon" put by hand beacon of light on tank2 put "healing tank priority" to 100 and muyltiplier to 1 and see the magic ;)
      At least when I raider i used to heal like this :)

      1: multiplier is a multiplier, multiplayer at 0 means "do nothing" :p Change multiplier to 1 and play arond with heal tank priority, try it at 100%
      2: well man if your party cannot stay out of big AOE and the CC has to heal them back to 100% what to you expect? that heal witout using mana? ^___^
      3: i'd try 5, do not go above 7 and remember that only work with IntellyWait and not with any other casting system
      4:Spirit!! a loooooooooooong way.
      Idealy you want Crit/Spirit on every piece of gear.
      @15outland: you are Horde? that's just normal, man.
      It target your enemy and heal your ally, no reason to target someone you need to heal, she just do this internally.
      look at recount or at the log and you will see that the CC is healing your ally around you, WITHOUT targetting them.
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