hello i am requesting a CC for the rogue that uses SUB for levels 1-85 for questing and bgs sub is arguably the best spec for rogue so it makes sense to focus on this. there doesnt seem to be a CC that works with leveling and questing that supports advanced actions. i am using a modified 'default rogue cc' that does both, but it mostly auto attacks, never applies poisons and uses recuperate every finisher. if anyone has a suggestion that would be nice thanks
Some guys said that my Apsalar is good for low level BGs too. But well, for questing Subtlety is least viable spec to level with at least till you get Hemorrhage.
apsalar is by far the best rogue cc, best in everything, for raiding with lazyraider trixster is the best for raiding as combat. otherwise apsalar all the way...wtb feral version lol.
FPSrogue does all that i used it 0-85. Very good at PVP SUB, top stats in bgs. Very well Sub dungeons highest dps in group. advanced options as well.