Hello, my intelligent friend decided to give away his KEY to a friend so he could use the bot just for a little bit. Little did he know, that his friend would also allow another friend to use the bot. Soon this friend would show it to another friend, and so on.( the bot has 3 sessions on it.) Now the original owner cannot even use his own bot because 3 other random people that shouldn't be on the bot are taking up his sessions. Is there anyway to boot all of them off, and make it so they cant use the actual key to log in ( it doesnt require an account or password to log in if you just type in the key, so changing the password does nothing) I would love quick response on his, my friend might just be utterly screwed for being a retard but if there is any hope in restoring his ability to use the bot, please let me know. He is the only one that can change the acc info, nobody else knows his email/pw , only the key.
the owner should register here Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal using the email he used on shop and he will be able to manage his sessions
My friend has been kicking them off over and over. This is not stopping the fact that they just keep logging on using the KEY.
send an email to Bossland and ask him if he can change the key zweatan@honorbuddy.com and next time do not share your key