Just seeing 4 different profiles, just wondering what each does? I don't know which one to use! Thanks! Ps - I am at the molten front daily's
hyjal to firelands is just a quest section that gets you from hyjal to firelands quests only (not dailies) hyjal firelands dailies are the hyjal dailies molten front dailies are the basic dailies there in the front shadow - is the shadow lord dailies over there up at the shadow lord guys i did not do 'druids of the talon' because it was dumb and the grindarea is for farming fires and junk this was made to work properly, but afaik, firelands still has issues (bot issues) and i'm exalted, so i stopped doing them of course
Maybe I'm just unlucky, only one profile from Kick have I been able to get it to work, and that was a leveling profile that only wanted to do green and grey quests. The "Hyjal to Firelands" one for just the regular quest, I cant get it to pick up a single quest. It flies to the quest giver, passes her, lands, then WALKS the long road up the cliff that it passed just to walk. and spams the guy to complete the quest before it even picks it up. I had to stop the bot to pick up the quest then went back to the cliff, It flies all the way back down just to walk back up without doing anything in between. It will turn in the one quest, but the spam Arch Druid Hamuul again even tho its in the middle of a quest. When the fire elementals come out to quest, even when I force the bot into combat, it runs back to Hamuul and spams interact on him AGAIN even tho the quest its trying to complete is currently in progress. When that quest is complete it turns it in ONLY cause its still spamming interact on Hamuul. when the next part comes to kill the girl, It follows Hamuul and continues to spam interact on him, even tho this quest doesnt get turned into him. Just to leave the cliff again to continue, I had to stop the bot who has fallen in love with Hamuul and doesnt want to leave his side. I havent made it to the next one yet, my 1st toons I got past this part before having HB2. When I get there I will let you know what happens. View attachment 9-27-2011_11_40 AM 1000 Log.txt
Have these profiles been removed? I can't for the life of me find them. edit:nm, always the way, you post asking for help having spent ages looking, then find them almost straight away
Will the Hyjal to Firelands one do any quests I still need to complete in Hyjal in order to start the daily chain, or no?
this was a post TO Kick, not the profile's actual page. All of Kick's profiles can be found in his "SVN trunk" If you look at the bottom of his posts, right above the "PAYPAL Donate" button he has two links... 1) more links, 2) a link to Kick's SVN trunk with ALL of his profiles. After you click on his link to his SVN trunk, you will see his page saying "SVN is now available for my profiles" in green, right below that in blue is the actual link to "Kick's SVN Trunk". There you will see the profiles he mentioned above. Kick's Profiles > 1-85 Questing Profile Pack > Reputation > Cata > Firelands SVN is an easy way to properly extract the files into the correct folders automatically. You need a program such as Tortoise to extract them. If you prefer you can always just click on them and DL them to your "Featured Profiles" folder.
Kick, I dont know if you read this thread, but is there a way to fix the profile? Im past the 1st one "hyjal to fireland", the one to get you to the dailies. I had to do them manually because the profile didnt work, thats not my concern tho. My concern is that this profile (Hyjal fireland dailies) attacks the horde's summoned pets for the "Protectors of Hyjal" quest. So if any horde are in the area, you have to stop the bot and do these manually before the bot starts an all out war. This would only include blacklisting the named of the summoned pets. If you like I can make a list of them. I'd fix this myself, but Im not too familiar with this code. My next concern is that one of my toons is a rogue. As the pets tank, 90% of the time he has his back towards the cliff, and any rogue CC with movement will put you behind the target. A lot of times because hes so close to the edge my character would just fall off and end up splattered on the floor in Felwood. If my toon didnt fall off the cliff just from his position, the fire nova (if he gets it off) always throws him off. I mention the fire nova because my other toons with out interrupt often get thrown off the edge using your profile as well. Maybe a way to blacklist the cords on the edge? Again not sure how this is done, or if even possible. thanx
All his profiles are in his SVN trunk, its in his signature at the bottom of ANY of his posts. (or here)
LOL I had a fun time trying to find them at first too. I kept looking into the general rep folder under useful profiles. When still not found, I just look for Kick's posts and re-read the information carefully. After seeing that it needed to be "questing" - I then went and discovered the separate rep folder there contained within. Made sense after that since it needs to be set to questing in the bot to work.
also, the "[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal to Firelands Quests [Kick]" quest doesn't entirely work as they nerfed the # of marks required to reach stage 2. i've noticed a couple of quests don't work right on the hyjal side on the next profile either (howling on top of corpses for one seems bugged out as it seems to try to use the item on living elementals where the turtle daily is located), but molten front works reasonably well so far (nearing 150 to unlock next stage).