Hi Im trying to figure out why im not able to detect buffs on my character. The Following always returns false. Shouldnt this work? Code: if (Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Seal of Insight")) { Logging.Write("01: got seal of insight"); } else { Logging.Write("01: fail"); }
taken from the other thread http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ladin-healer-custom-class-126.html#post384042 PHP: if (Me.HasAura("Seal of Insight")) { Logging.Write("02: got seal of insight"); } else { Logging.Write("02: fail"); } this is working for him. For most of the other user (haven't seen any other report in this thread) the above (Me.ActiveAuras) is working
Personnally, I prefer to use the spell id when I want to check or cast something. For example, I use an enumation for all my auras : PHP: /// <summary>/// All my auras./// </summary>public enum Auras{ SealOfInsight = 20165} And after I use my own method to check auras on WoWUnit : PHP: /// <summary>/// Check if the specified unit has the specified aura./// </summary>/// <param name="unit">Specified unit.</param>/// <param name="auraID">Specified aura.</param>public static bool hasAura(WoWUnit unit, Auras auraID){ if(unit.Auras.Values.Count(a => a.SpellId == (int)auraID) > 0) return true; else return false;} Finally you just have to call : PHP: if(hasAura(Me, Auras.SealOfInsight)) { ...Look awesome... } else { ...or not... }