Under Shaman Buffs please set the bot to use courage of the eagle (+10 wis) when avalible currently the bot preferes to use courage of the jaguar (+20 dex) the benefit of this is an increase in DPS noticable from level 25+ The Shaman skill Glory of the Chosen procs on critical hit and allows a large heal for a small ammount of mana the bot should utilise this heal. The Justicar skill Mien of Honour adds an aditional 50% to heals from the salvation skill this should be added to the active buffs list.
Its at level 25 a 120~ HP heal with a 6 second cooldown, personaly at 18 mana i would spam it as soon as its avalible. Or add a check to see if current HP is less than Max HP by over 150 and the skill is avalible then cast it.
Its in the current routine like this: Code: CreateSpellCast("Glory of the Chosen", ret => GigaRift.Me.HealthPercent <= 45), I need a percentage to change at which you think it would be better.
80% or less then with self healing it shouldent go below 80... CreateSpellCast("Glory of the Chosen", ret => GigaRift.Me.HealthPercent <= 80),
Courage of the Eagle (working) Mien of Honour (working) Glory of the Chosen (Working) All changes are working perfectly
Is there any way to change the default heal level? For example my Cleric always has a full 4 Convictions stacked up but never seems to use Doctrine Of Bliss to self-heal unless health gets really low (under 50%?). Can we configure this? Or get one that heals at say 75%? Or even something as easy as cast Doctrine of Blisses after every combat to get back up to full health or zero Convictions (may as well use those spare Convictions for something, will get them back fast enough). EDIT: Also the changes above to fix Glory of the Chosen - I just downloaded the bot yesterday so are they in the default install or is this an optional bespoke DLL?
You can grab the source routines in developers forum and build your own routine. Just follow the simple tutorial (you will need Microsoft Visual C# Express)
Thanks, will definitely look into that now* Will have to see how much hassle it is though, as every new bot release I'll have to wait for new routines to be posted and re-do my changes every time. *actually theres been another patch, so will wait till new bot and routines are posted
Oh right, I assumed as bugs were fixed and new suggestions/features requested, tested and added, that there would be updated routines coming out every so often too with new bot releases. If thats not the case then it makes things much easier I've looked through the code, seems intuitive enough. Probably wont bother changing the in-combat health rates, but will tweak the CreateRestBehavior to cast Doctrine Of Bliss a few times after combat if there are spare convictions and health is below 90% or so. Thanks for all the advice all, great admins and great community
Hawker: are new routines posted somewhere that we can all grab them? I've got everything working in Visual Studio, .cs is loaded, dll's are referenced, and can build the code fine now. Have made a few (minor for now) tweaks and will wait for a new bot before I test them
I will make a thread for the routines and keep it up to date. EDIT: http://www.ryftomate.com/developers-forum/435-default-cc-source-code-updated-weekly.html#post2851
All working, my modified routine to cast Doctrine in the Rest period works great - it heals up to full then pulls the next mob (and goes from 3 Convictions back to max 4 straight away on the pull) - would recommend that be added to the default? : In the CreateRestBehavior section, line 263 :