All, I have downloaded the RyftoMate development code along with Visual C# 2010 and I am hoping someone can guide me on how to compile the .cs files after making some changes. I am working to update the RogueRift.cs code to work with my soul tree, have made a few changes, and want to compile. However, apparently just opening the .cs file and making the changes isn't enough. The build tool bar is all greyed out. Can someone give me a quick hand. It's been a while since I worked in Visual Studio (and mostly it was Visual Basic) Bladedss
Took me a bit to get it working but I got it. Thanks alot Hawker for the info... working on updating your RiftRogue.cs to support my Bard/Assasin/Riftblade sould build! -BladeDSS
Dont want to sound stupid but going to anyways lol... How do you Reference them? I ask cause I want to change one thing in the clericrift.cs file so I opened the .cs file made the changes I wanted to make and saved the clericrift.cs file. After that I have no idea what to do. From this point how do I compile the new .cs to a .dll file? Note: I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2010 express. Also I am new at this so please explain step by step or I wont know what to do. Thanks you so much for the help
From this thread: If you are willing to try changing it yourself then you'll need to install Visual C# Express which is a free download from microsoft. 1. make a new C# class library project in VS via create new project wizard. 2. add reference to Giga.RiftBot.dll, Giga.RIFT.dll,Giga.Common.dll and TreeSharp.dll 3. Find the default rogue Routine source code here on the forums and add the file to your project. You can also just copy/paste the source code into the existing Class1.cs file that gets automatically created when you make a class library if that's easier for you 4. Edit the code 5. hit F6 key to compile then copy the created dll into your Ryftomate/Routines folder. the dll should be in project_folder/bin/debug/
I tried both methods, copying all the DLL's as a reference and build it, then I tried what you wroth the 4 DLL's and hit build - both times the final DLL that was created was only 11 kb and the program refused to read the new routine I created. I downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 - Express Edition but it has no hotkey for F6 or any compile options, just a build option. This might sound newbish but I just can't get it to load correctly in any form, whether it be my modified .cs or the default one, neither can load when I hit the build option. Any thoughts?
Building is used for the whole process of compiling and whatever else the compiler does (in C++ there is also the preprocessor and linker). Be sure you have the project set to .NET 4 or .NET 4 client profile (check the properties of the project).
Ah, thank you for the quick reply, where at do I change the project to .NET 4 type profile? I did the obvious and went to project properties but nothing came up with an option for .NET 4 type.
Press the Application tab of the properties, then below Target framework: make sure it's set to .NET Framework 4. I could help you a lot better if you got Teamviewer and gave me your details.