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  • [Guide] My guide to setting up Ryftomate (Credits: Me and Hawk's original guide)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pkbymag99, Jun 6, 2011.

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    1. pkbymag99

      pkbymag99 New Member

      Jun 5, 2011
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      First off this guide isn't all mine i just took Hawker's guide and made adjustments to the guide to include things that i had to search for to figure out how to use the bot.

      (In this guide i am walking you through getting your machine ready then your character then downloading public profiles so you can see how it works and then later you can always make your own profile.)

      First off of course u need a log in key which you will obtain via email after purchasing the bot. On a side note make sure you check your spam folder as well its possible that the email gets put in spam folder at times.

      2nd) Before you try running this bot you need to download these and update/install Microsoft net.framework 4 and Microsoft Visual C++
      (Yes use all three links each one is actually a different update/install even though they have similar names.

      Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...51-5ff4-4491-b0e5-b386f32c0992&displaylang=en


      Download details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84
      Download details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=c32f406a-f8fc-4164-b6eb-5328b8578f03

      3rd) Start up your Rift Client via as Administrator by "Go at your Rift main folder and locate the "riftpatchlive" file
      Right click on it and then pick "run as administrator" option."
      (I personally just right click the game client on my desktop and click run as administrator and it works fine for me.)

      When you run your game before you hit start make sure you have your language set to English then go ahead and log in normally and have your character logged in all the way.

      4th) You do not need to set up your hot-bar at all since the bot run by memory not by actual hot-keys which i had to search and find out lol.

      Though you should look at the following links which are the recommended builds provided by the Devs.

      Botting a Cleric: http://www.ryftomate.com/blogs/hawker/3-how-bot-cleric-ryftomate.html

      Botting a Mage: http://www.ryftomate.com/blogs/hawker/4-how-bot-mage-ryftomate.html

      Botting a Rogue: http://www.ryftomate.com/blogs/hawker/2-how-bot-rogue-ryftomate.html

      Botting a Warrior:http://www.ryftomate.com/blogs/hawker/1-how-bot-warrior-ryftomate.html

      5th) Now that you have your machine ready and your toon ready you need to download your public profile from the following links:

      General Profiles Link on Forms: Profiles

      Defiants: Defiant Profiles

      Gaurdians: Guardian Profiles

      After you download your profile it will be in a zip file if you are using windows explorer to extract ryftomate then please visit this link: http://www.ryftomate.com/support-issues/34-all-users-using-windows-explorer-extract-ryftomate.html

      You can extract the profiles to where ever you like. For example i would make a new folder on my desktop called Profiles. Then i would open the folder and make a new folder in there and name it to the name of the profile like if the profile is meant to lvl from 1 to 10 i would name it "lvl 1 - 10" (just to keep it organized).

      6th) Now that you have your profile and your in game you need to start up the bot as an admin as well. So you would have to navigate to the location of the ryftomate bot and then Right Click it and select run as administrator.

      7th) After the program is up you will get a littile window where it says log in you simply place your access key there that you got in your email and hit log in.

      8th) After you log in you will see your character names and the shard. (its a drop down menu so if u running more then one client click the drop down and select your character which you would like to bot on.) After you have your character selected simply click attach.

      9th) Now you need to setup rytomate which is really fast and easy. First click on the config tab and you need to select your routine from the drop down list. Just select based off what your character is wither its a Rogue, Mage, War, Cleric.

      On the config tab you can also select gathering just simply press on gathering then make just that Enable is checked and just highlight the gathering skills.

      10th) The Next step is to load a profile.
      On main Ryftomate window you can see the "Load Profile" button
      hit it and now remember the profile you had downloaded earlier? Well now you need to navigate to where ever you placed the profile and then select the appropriate profile and hit ok.

      And Now hit start and enjoy :)

      If you for some reason restart your whole bot client you might get you have used up all your sessions 1/1 or something along those lines. It is only the bot is still being seen as loged in so just give it a couple minutes and it will clear out and you will be able to sign in just fine.

      When Trion decides to do updates to the game it generally requires the bot to need updating so if there was an update that day and you try to run the bot your bot might not see your game. So don't panic and give the devs enough time to make an update.

      When the bot updates sometimes you might have trouble running the bot so i suggest you should just download the bot again from the site.
      an example of what i meant is: Your bot attaching to the client but after you set it up and hit start it tells you to select a routine. Which was the issue i had solved it by simply downloading the bot and replacing the bot i had on my computer with it.
    2. pkbymag99

      pkbymag99 New Member

      Jun 5, 2011
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      Updated it by fixing some spelling errors that i was too lazy to fix last night lol...
      Also added tips that i when ahead and added to the bottom. Please give me some feed back if you guys think my guide is any good just trying to help :)
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