1. Start rift and select a character. 2. Start bot and press login button (key is already there from previous times) 3. My char name shows up in the attach selection window, I press attach. 4. Nothing happens. After a minute or so I close the bot and try to restart it. 5. "you have used all your sessions for this key" when trying to login. Takes a very long time till I can log again. Not sure if PC restart is needed but usually I restart sometime in between tries out of despair This has been happening in the last day or two.
Thanks. Solved the "you have used all your sessions for this key" error. But doesn't solve the "nothing happens after pressing attach button". Restarting rift every time also gets annoying, would love to get a fix for this. Log shows nothing: [09:05:25.332 N] Initializing [09:05:25.427 N] Loaded 87 protected items. [09:05:25.427 N] Initialization done [09:05:25.524 N] Loaded settings - level 44 Rogue. It seems to be working fine, but the window is not visible.
make sure that your run Rift and Ryftomate as admin(as described in the guide) in case you still have problems catch me on lLive support
Rift and Ryftomate are set to "run as admin" since I started using the bot. Came back home and tried again, and it seems to be working fine now. Will update in this thread if it happens again. Thanks for the help!
I've had issues where after clicking attach, the window not showing up as well.. Same issue where I ended up trying to relaunch it and it told me the session was in use. Is there a website we can log in to kill sessions like there is for HB?