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  • Some people need to mind their own business...

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Redman, Jun 8, 2011.

    1. Redman

      Redman Guest

      So I wasn't even botting, but Ryftomate was open, and I was actually talking to some friends ingame via guild chat, etc... Then all the sudden this guy whispers me, "Hi, are you botting?" I answered "No, what the hell is a 'bot'?" And so he goes onto explaining that bots have been around forever and is cheating, blah blah blah. So after all that he says, "Well, I'm still going to report you because a lot of people don't AFK while boting, or maybe you got one of the nice bots that alert you when you get a whisper, so no hard feelings but better safe than sorry."

      What the hell?

      He then whispers me, "So if you are 100% not running a bot you'll be okay."

      So here's to hoping this is still undetectable, even though I wasn't botting at the moment but had Ryftomate opened up. Also now I have to be weary because the guy still reported me and now my account is probably being watched... Karma is a bitch and I hope this nosey douche gets his.
    2. Tony

      Tony Guest

      You should be fine,dont worry

      Atm Gm's are checking for bots by asking you questions about time and zone etc
      there is no other detection system on Rift yet

      and btw on future Ryftomate releases there will be an alarm for GM whispers and more stuff about this "issue"

      This guy is just an idiot,there are too many of them out there....
    3. Redman

      Redman Guest

      That gives me some relief, he's actually still whispering me ingame telling me that GMs aren't questioning players ingame anymore, that they are doing a system scan and looking at the "pathing".
    4. Tony

      Tony Guest

      just ignore him,it seems that he is a botter with brain issues
    5. banme

      banme Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      he seems to be quite intimate with botting behaviours, and GM interactions with botters, I would bet your bottom dollar that he is active on several botting forums and is one of those douchebags that doesnt ever want to see someone else botting in the same area. incase you reduce his xp/hr by 0.43% etc. Oxygen thieves like these should have their botting keys banned if only we could figure out who it was. Back in Glider, if any botters griefed another botter or reported or whatever, they were instabanned. I still support that idea.
    6. lolbot

      lolbot Guest

      What a douche... :/
    7. nbudros

      nbudros Guest

      ^ agreed /10chars
    8. hyshakt

      hyshakt New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Just report him as well :)
    9. gobliner

      gobliner New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      Tony is right that dude is an idiot, Those peoples are wich they like being slave of the system and we are the ones who refuses that shit =P
    10. papatoast

      papatoast Guest

      I'm normally against reporting anyone for botting, but I support this comment.
    11. chris_g

      chris_g Guest

      Made me laugh... :D ya... very interesting.. where did he get this knowledge.. hmm... from his own exp... right. He is oxygen wasting mthrfckr.
    12. limjampley

      limjampley New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      haha funny story. I should report this beastmaster warrior my bot crushed after being attacked. Just for bein so bad haha. i couldnt believe it honestly.

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