Oh hai thar, i remade the original Rogue routine for me and a friend. We both felt that it was in no way optimal to be meleeing mobs as a lowbie Ranger/Bard and thus i changed the routine to better allow us ranged dps without limiting our specs. Based on sourcecode, released 10'th of June 2011. Spec: Soul Tree Calculator: Bard (34) / Ranger (32) / Bladedancer (0) :: Rift :: ZAM It's using these things, in order of availability. Pets: Greater Razorbeast, Razorbeast. Pre-Pull Buffing: Motif of Focus, Bravery, Tenacity. Buffs with longer timers and heals is pretty much unchanged with the exception of percentages where the heals will be cast. Pulling: Shadow Fire, Splinter Shot, Crippling Shot, Quick Shot, Power Chord. Combat-spells: Quick Shot, Power Chord, Coda of Fury, Wrath and Resto, Riff, Virtuoso, Head Shot (primary finisher for ranged combat), Crippling Shot, Concussive Blast and the standard Keen/Quick/Deadly Strike from Bladedancer when in melee. Resting: Uses every heal available from the bard-tree. Very little downtime after lvl 20+, if any ^^ I am most probably gonna add more spells if i see any future with ranged farming, i'm currently not 50 yet and i will try out both my own routine and the original w/ bloodraptor when i'm 50. If you have any tips, pointers or generally wanna gimme thanks, go ahead. I hope it'll be of as much use to you as it has been to me. Also, Hawker.. Code: // Greater Razorbeast // useless really? -.-'' Megaupload: CS : Ranged Ranger CS DLL : Ranged Ranger DLL
Ohhh, just thought of something.. I use WinRar, but i deleted the ryftbot Dir when i was moving things around, then pulled it back out of the trash cause i needed something.. wonder if thats what did it. Will check and see. /edit Yar, was that Unblock deal.. /hates windows
Thx hawker <3 tho i fail to see as to where it would be less useful than, say, Direwolf. Imo, ranger =/= ranged. I could not make any sense of your thoughts about the default build since it doesn't use anything but Ranger/Bard and 4 spells from BD :S Also, you mentioned alternative specs sometime ago, i'd really like some more info on the subject :3
Default is a pure bot build and works with rubbish gear as Cadence doesn't benefit from gear. It uses a drain tank logic like affliction locks used to in WoW. Bard is also easy to use in PVP and as we are already running Black Garden on our private builds thats a bonus. I'm sure there are better builds out there. Hopefully yours is one of them.
Ofcourse, Ranger w/ Blood Raptor is amazingly fast. But it's kinda sad that you don't get full usage of all your skills i.e. Ranged > 3 yards. Also, it's more important that way that you always equip better grade melee-weps which makes all the difference since we don't spend a single point in BD. I also hope that, would be sweet if my logic was the better one when it comes to Ranger/Bard :3 Tho, i was toying with the idea of swapping out BD for Marksman, way more ranged damage! But, it'll have to be when someone comes up with the movement-code that i need to always stay at range / pet aggro-control.
Working great thanks for the release!!! I have noticed that a few times when i am against multiple mobs at once sometimes my toon will lose the target that my pet is fighting and just stand there waiting for the pet to kill the other mob.
Yeah i've noticed it aswell, something native to the original rogue-routine. But then again, it doesn't need to be perfect aslong as it kills 8 out of 10.
Hey, one of your download links is broken. It says some error message in German. Code: 404 - Datei oder Verzeichnis wurde nicht gefunden. Die gesuchte Ressource wurde möglicherweise entfernt oder umbenannt, oder sie steht vorübergehend nicht zur Verfügung. Edit: It's just the .cs one btw. Not sure what that one is for, just letting you know it's down ^_^
I'm not using the original rogue routine. So if you are it has to be a ryftomate bug and not a routine bug.
Hey, downloaded the routine, but every time I try to select it in the menu, this happens: Code: [16:12:18.453 N] Could not load routine 'RangedRanger_v1_00'! Is there a neat trick to fixing that?
Right click on the downloaded dll, select properties, at the bottom you will see an entry that says "Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked". Click "unblock". Restart Ryftomate, select this routine, go furth and plunder.
Something wrong with the forum, i tried uploading it again but it's still giving me the error >.< I'm sorry, i have no clue as to why it wouldn't work. Tried any other routine? Edit: - Thx Anonuzer01 for the tip, Missingno, try it out and see if that does the trick ^^
Thanks muchly Anonuzer01! I figured it was something I was doing wrong, as there was no one else with issues xD