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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tonyskarma, Jun 12, 2011.

    1. tonyskarma

      tonyskarma New Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      Running 2 accounts both suspended a week ago wake up this morning and trion sends me an e-mail saying your account has become compromised and we are banning it please contact us letting us know you have removed virus's etc. Was just running the 29-36 profile on the board. Guess ill just wait for Warfront bot and if i get banned F this game go back to WoW.
    2. rogiis

      rogiis New Member

      Jul 20, 2011
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      wow, sucks big time. What server were you playing on?

      I don't know why but it feels like loads of people are getting banned/suspended, starting to get abit nervous to get banned myself would be a shame to loose 2 char lvl 50
    3. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      First, there is no banwave. I've botted three toons to the mid 40s thus far and haven't had an issue. If there was a banwave, I'd have been one of the first to go.

      There are player reports that lead to bans/suspensions. Bad luck and too many people running the same profiles are making this more and more common.

      Second, this post is in violation of forum rules. Quit the fear mongering, please.

      Ryftomate Forum Rules & Guidelines

      Things Not to Post
      · Offensive/Rude Language in Thread Titles.
      · Game exploits and cracks
      · Discussion of emulated severs, stolen software, drugs or any other real-life illegal acts.
      · Scams, WTT/WTS/WTB, Advertisements, Poll threads, +rep threads, Job offers, requesting donations, ALL CAPS
      · Direct links to external files (these paths could be changed at any time without your knowledge)
      · Character / Shard Names, IP addresses or any personal information (You’re own, or others’)
      · Reporting or threatening to report botters.
      · No posting stupid annoying spammy type sites. Such as websites with lock loops
      · Topics with WTF in the title will be deleted and not answered.
      · No topics titled "Banwave" when there is not a banwave. Admins and Mods will make posts addressing Banwaves.
      · No topics titled "Bossland take a look here","Hawker i have a big problem" etch.
      · No giving away accounts ( Gb/Hb or WoW) - Sorry but there are too many scammers to allow this. If you want to donate your account for the Gb/Hb team to use for testing contact zwetan@ryftomate.com
      · Posting Spam or Youtube Spam will end in a Permanent Ban.
      and last but not least
      · Do not post an issue without your log as attachment
      such posts will be deleted and not answered.

      Etiquette Guidelines
      · Use the search function to identify common solutions to your question before making a new topic.
      · Keep signatures & avatars to a moderate size and taste.
      · Do not flame or troll in other member’s topics.
      · Make sure you are posting your thread in the correct forum. (Support Question @ Support Forum)
      · Avoid cross-posting the same topic in multiple forums.
      · Only specified members appointed by Bossland GmbH may create “Official” threads.
      · Do not “target” your posts for specific employees.

      Additional Information
      · Anything not covered by these rules is under the discretion of the Mods/Admins.
      · Mute and ban time is up to the sole discretion of the mod/admin acting upon the account.
      · To report posts/users that do not follow the rules – click the “Report Post” button.
      · Comments/suggestions/complaints regarding forum moderation should be sent to tony@ryftomate.com with [MOD] in the subject line.
    4. Tony

      Tony Guest

      thread title edited

      read our rules plz
    5. deathboy00

      deathboy00 New Member

      Mar 14, 2011
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      Got suspended as well on a farmer last night.
      Code of Conduct Violation: Unattended Gameplay (Major) - : I am sorry to inform you that your account has been suspended for 24 hours after being flagged for unattended gameplay.

      Beneficial unattended play, a serious violation of our Code of Conduct, was confirmed by a GM during the course of our investigation as having advanced your character(s) in a tangible way (adding one or more of: Favor, XP, items, currency, etc.). Please be advised that future violations will result in further action being taken against your account up to and including permanent closure.

      Product Level 1: RIFT
      Category Level 1: In-Game Support
      Category Level 2: Report a Player
    6. seisdeos

      seisdeos New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      As all the bans I have seen here, player report. Don't be too obvious botting!
    7. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      I have yet to see a post where anyone indicates that they have been perma banned. Everything I've read so far has been a 24 hour suspension, which is pretty light compared to WoW, where you get anything from a 72 hour minimum to perma ban-1st offense.
    8. rogiis

      rogiis New Member

      Jul 20, 2011
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      As I thought, just met 4 people who knew that I have been botting. Great can't wait to get suspended and everything taken from my char lol.
    9. mw6956

      mw6956 Guest

      lol i've seen 4 bots this morning while babysitting my mage, lol passers by don't seem to bothered if they know
    10. tonyskarma

      tonyskarma New Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      Plenty of people have reported on another bot program i use that its 24hrs->72hrs>perma Banned.

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