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  • A guy in my guild..

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Darkcollins, Jun 15, 2011.

    1. Darkcollins

      Darkcollins New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      Said last night how he reports all botters he comes across. Wouldn't you know it, I saw him hours later running the hawker 35-50 profile. Botters who report Botters should be perma banned. "Explore the space"! Please support your fellow botters :p
    2. chris_g

      chris_g Guest

      Thats a no go... should ask him how he identifies botter... and why he knows all that... and so on... :D
    3. desertracer225

      desertracer225 New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Ill admit, ive reported botters before, usually its for good cause tho. Like doing something REALLY dumb, EQ has a warp plugin for their MacroQuest2 compile. If someone is warping around in the middle of highly populated areas or using the program to cause issues and be noticed. Id rather report them then have some GM hang out and watch everyone, Which increases my risks. But i agree with Chris g, ask him how he knows what a botter looks like =D You never really know unless you KNOW what your looking for. And you only know that from use ;)
    4. Timothy Carter Jr

      Timothy Carter Jr New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      Since I do bot, more so because I work 60hrs a week, and no longer enjoy me 50 rogue... It's nice to be able to bot...

      I look at it this way,

      If I reported everyone on this forum for botting. The dev's lose money, lose interest in the project, and no longer care if their customer(me) gets caught...

      People will stop making profiles, addons, etc.

      I don't tend to report 'botters'. However, I did report the AFKers in WF's that would sit at the entrance (before the fix).
    5. RiftBob

      RiftBob New Member

      May 31, 2011
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      I don't report them but sometimes I farm the farmers.

      Does that make me evil? :D
    6. mw6956

      mw6956 Guest

      only with an evil laugh, mouhahahaha
    7. nbudros

      nbudros Guest

      IMO... tell him, i do the same, and then report him.

      Then when he posts her about being banned just lawl.
    8. mw6956

      mw6956 Guest

      or whisper him saying that there is a botter in the guild and you don't know whether you should report him. see what he says when you tell him his name :D
    9. chris_g

      chris_g Guest

      Hmm... I do understand the FUN aspect behind it.. BUT by reporting others.. you somehow report yourself... if everybody of us will do this... we MAY experience some account difficulties - suspension of our accs. I would more likely agree if we could see ok that ryftomate... and thats a riftminion botter... and only report the others... but kicking ryftomate customers decreases the pontential income for the devs and may result in a weaker bot... of course this is highly theoretical.... and literarily spoken.
      Of course, i cant stop you from doing this... hence, I just appeal to your botting honor (if something like this exists :D ) . Keep smashing them on pvp shards...
    10. GrayPotatoes

      GrayPotatoes Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      Botters reporting botters are douchebags ^^ simple, if another bot is stealing your mobs, you either make a profile elsewhere or you stop caring... Even for Ryftomate users to report bots using other bots, still makes you a douche. stop being jelly
    11. tonyskarma

      tonyskarma New Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      When you Report Botters they just get pissed and sit there and report the people in the area who are using obvious WP's. I had to make my own lvl 50 profiles because some douche reported me using the south telara profile 2 times most likely a fellow Ryftomate botter since its in the middle of nowhere.
    12. socialscience

      socialscience New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      Whenever I see someone botting I leave the area to bot some place else, or bot on another character. To me personally, I think it looks bad when you get a group of botters in same area , even with different paths. I make my own paths, I love how easy it is. I dont report botters ever even if they piss me off, only afkers in WFs.
    13. chris_g

      chris_g Guest

      ^this /10chars
    14. Redman

      Redman Guest

      I agree, I have ran into many botters on my new character all the way from level 6-50. Way too many of us using public profiles, so what did I do? I left and made my own profiles.

      Only thing that worries me and may screw up what I think is the fun aspect of the game is the Warfront Bot that is coming out. I understand a lot of us work and have families but then why did you buy the game if you are going to bot every aspect of the MMO? To me I think leveling 1-50 your first time through is a necessary evil so that you do the game developers justice in their hard work and because it's new and should be fun to you. Then botting your alts is fine. But when you start botting Warfronts, Dungeons, Raids, etc... You are pretty much are ruining the experience not only for yourself, but for the people that are investing their spare time to play the game and their monthly fee.

      All in all, if you feel like you need to have this bot for the rest of your MMO career maybe you should re-evaluate what types of gaming you should be doing in your free time.
    15. imabotter

      imabotter New Member

      May 31, 2011
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      Leave Botney Alone!!! :(

      If You Bot, Don't Go Self Righteous On Me! Just Leave The Area And Forget You Ever Saw The Botter Simple As That! :eek:
    16. TripleLolRofl

      TripleLolRofl New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      Same, I don't care about people who bot even before I was one, but the afkers in WF just piss me off cause they ruin the WF. Even a bot is more useless than them.
    17. seafunk

      seafunk New Member

      Feb 23, 2011
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      Absolutely brilliant!! :D
    18. Doofus

      Doofus New Member

      Mar 9, 2011
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      I havent been botting very long, a little in wow and now rift, I very rarely bot afk, 90% of the time i use combatassist bot so i dont look to much like a bot and play the game with combat assist (i hate button bashing :p )

      My one concern since i started to bot was infact other botters reporting me, I mean since i been botting I have noticed how easy it is to spot them, so would be very easy for me to report them, (I DONT BTW), my point is what will happen once im say max level and botting in a area where theres gold/plat farmers? Im guessing this is the worse time for being reported, due to you in affect reducing the ammount of plat per hour a farmer can make, therefore they are likely to report you if you muscle in on there area, I have yet to get to max level LOL (i know you guys do it in like 2-3 days but im slow :p ) is or as this been an issue for any of you guys in either this game or others?
    19. limjampley

      limjampley New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      people who say they bot to 50 in 2 days are plain liars. but it does get you maybe 3 levels a night while you sleep before the bot fails or you go offline

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