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  • How dumb is Trion?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Redman, Jun 17, 2011.

    1. Redman

      Redman Guest

      Honestly, you would think that these guys would want to hold on to the paying customers they have right now.

      I can only think of one reason why they banned everyone like they did. Update 1.3 is coming out, and it has some cool content, so they are banking on the fact that people banned will go out and buy another copy of the game to enjoy the new content.

      Other than that this is really bad business decision on their part. Why do a mass banning when WoW has a huge content update coming out, that will no doubt draw back the die-hards. Add that to the fact that Star Wars The Old Republic has started beta invites and plans to release the game before years end. I mean honestly, what the hell were they thinking? The economy of the game was already fucked, the currency isn't worth jackshit thus doesn't sell for real life money for the time and effort put forth.

      So in conclusion please do me a favor and if you were perma banned, do not buy another copy of the game giving Trion the upper hand and more money.
    2. Dronf

      Dronf New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Because if they waited a month or two they would have had to deal with 4-10x as many accounts.

      If nothing else, Trion moves fast.
    3. Redman

      Redman Guest

      4-10x many accounts of what? I'm confused.
    4. kalystoo

      kalystoo New Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      i stop rift, that's all , i prefer to spend money each month on another game
    5. Dronf

      Dronf New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Rift Accounts using Ryftomate or some other botting software
    6. Redman

      Redman Guest

      There's always going to be more people botting, you're missing the general statement of my post. It's a bad business decision for them to do a mass banning at a time like this because of the competition. Especially doing a mass banning this soon after launch, the game is just 3 months old, they are just now building their client base, and probably lost quite a bit of it today.
    7. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If the information you can find is correct Rift has a lot more then 1-1.5 million players so i'm pretty sure they don't care about perma banning a few thousands.

      If Rift has let's say 1,5 mill players and they banned 3000 people here ohhh that is ouuh 0,2%....guess what..they just give a fuck about 0,2%.
    8. Redman

      Redman Guest

      I'm almost positive it's more than a few thousand. There are more bots out there, not just Ryftomate. What makes me think that this was a mass banning is why else would they wait til today to ban everybody? Most MMO companies do mass bannings when they have HUGE numbers, as opposed doing it case by case. I mean my buddy in real life who I referred to this bot, used it 3 weeks ago for 1 day (he did the 1 day key code) and he got the perma ban today. They knew about us all botting, and probably all the other bots out there (with the exception of RiftMinion for some reason) and waited til the week before 1.3 update as I mentioned in my opening post, to either get more revenue from people repurchasing the game to play the new content, or just because they know how most MMO players are addicts and will start all over.

      But other than that, I personally will not purchase another copy of the game to start over for 1.3, and I've read a lot of people going back to WoW for their huge content update coming next week as well. Couple that with the fact that there's a lot of upcoming MMOs on the rising who are either in beta or starting beta this summer and have release dates as early at September of this year. Either way bad business decision for Trion. Honestly botting in this game harms no one, the real dollar amount for their currency is atrocious and not worth the time and effort. Botters will continue to pay their monthly fee, and continue to play the game. That's money in their pocket, but ban them and lose money. See what I mean?
    9. Dronf

      Dronf New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Playing devil's advocate...

      How do you figure?

      None are as full featured and easy to use.

      Server kill switch.

      Yeah, everyone who just got banned is pretty steamed right now.

      You're being very optimistic about release dates and there is an eternity of internet time between now and whenever they do see the light of day.

      So why doesn't Trion sell a bot?
    10. rojidoji

      rojidoji New Member

      Jun 2, 2011
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      Yup your 100% right, they lost customers big time and sent a message that this game is not profitable to bot way too early in the games life and i know for a fact that my now ex lowpop server will be missing a guild leader or three from the ban wave not to mention key raid geard people so less people available for endgame content which is EPIC fail on their part and i for two am not repurchasing/subbing to this ill conceived raid grinder.
    11. Machoman

      Machoman Guest

      does anyone else notice the day this ban was done on? the SAME day blizzard"s first massive banwave on glider in 2008. thats pretty wild if you ask me.
    12. ideit

      ideit New Member

      May 31, 2011
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      Yep. I just got an email titled "Get RIFT for only $9.99 this weekend!" It's no coincidence. The timing of it all is too perfect.

      Step 1: Ban all botters
      Step 2: Entice banned botters with new content to be released 1 week after ban
      Step 3: Give them a few days to get over the initial anger/rage quitting
      Step 4: Offer them the game for $10
      Step 5: Repeat.

      If Ryftomate comes back, I have no doubt that the next banwave will coincide with another major content release coupled with a sale.
    13. Redman

      Redman Guest

    14. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      Trion owns rift simple enough. the community is a lot less tolerant of bots and gold sellers than wow with 10mil+ subscribers. Plus with the current promotion and new content coming out, it is a great time to start banning people. So it's not bad business, you know bots are against the terms of use.
    15. Redman

      Redman Guest

      Again, please read my opening post, you are missing the point. A lot of us aren't going to buy the game again, so it is a bad business decision on their part. I know some will, because well that's the MMO addict for you, but to us people who were botting because we have jobs, families, hobbies outside of PC gaming, who just wanted to enjoy endgame content when we have spare time to play, we're not going to buy the game back. So they will lose quite a few clientel.

      EDIT: And yes I know botting is against ToS. My main idea of the post was it's bad timing for them to do this banning with all the other competitors out there making their huge updates right now as well, and Trion's Rift is such a new game that it's just starting to build it's player base.
    16. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      Trion isn't going out of business because they banned a few thousand accounts, their player base has spoken against bots and gold sellers, they are listening. Those happy customers will refer rift to their friends and family due to trion's aggressive stance against bots and plat sellers. Either way, it's not bad business on their part. The bottom line is Trion banned the bots, it's their choice, their goal was never to be a wow killer or become another WoW. That's just how it is, they had their goals and they exceeded them.
    17. Redman

      Redman Guest

      "We're not in Azeroth anymore."

    18. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      With your 2 post count and your obvious pro-Trion stance I have to wonder exactly what position you hold within Trion Worlds, Inc. You're obviously a Trion Troll sent here to deliver the pro-Trion spin. At least have the balls to admit you're affiliation with the company. Either that, or you're an ambulance chaser here from the Rift forums to look at the bloody bodies and take pictures of the headless corpses after the wreck. Either way, you're a jackass.

    19. tonyskarma

      tonyskarma New Member

      Jun 1, 2011
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      Ryftomate needs to make there forums paying Customers only. So we don't get people like "Randomguypretendingtobeachic" in here trolling.
    20. Ikkan

      Ikkan New Member

      May 31, 2011
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      Trolls will be Trolls...

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