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  • [OFFICIAL] Update on Banwave of June 16 2011

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jun 17, 2011.

    1. Trollin

      Trollin Guest

      That is the same message they sent me, they told me to stop using bot software if I decided to start playing Rift again
    2. onebigchieff

      onebigchieff Guest

      First Email:

      This is a notification that your account is being suspended for 24 hours for using an illegal 3rd-party program to gain an unfair advantage in the game world.

      Please note that future violations of this type will result in further action being taken against your account. If you wish to dispute this action, you may do so by emailing appeals@trionworlds.com. Please be sure to include this ticket's reference number, 110617-001161.

      Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and, as always, for playing RIFT.


      GM Rabdargab
      Game Master
      Trion Worlds Inc.

      After I appealed it because I havent been able to get the bot to work ONCE and havent even played rift since I bought it:

      Thank you for contacting us regarding RIFT.

      I have reviewed your account and found that it has been actioned for the Code of Conduct infraction "Third Party Program Usage". I have personally reviewed the incident myself and can inform you that the violation was accurate and justified.

      Your account was found to be using an illegal 3rd party program that automated the gameplay of your character in the game world. In order to protect the integrity of our detection measures, we cannot give any further details than that. However, do know that we are very confident in the veracity of our measures of detection, so we are certain this was not a false positive.

      The decision of the suspension and accompanying account notation mark, regardless of when the program was used, will stand on your account. You will be able to play again once the suspension period has expired.

      Thank you for your continued support of Trion Worlds and for playing RIFT.

      Funny thing is that i bought this piece of crap bot and couldnt get it to work ONE SINGLE TIME and they still banned me. Apparently this piece of shit can be detected just being on your computer. I want my money back. This bot is a total piece of crap and a waste of money.
    3. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      Yes, they did. :)
    4. Hunablazer

      Hunablazer Guest

      Yeh they really did lol, that promo was soo for us who got banned lol. and that GM Morgana is a bitch! tried the personal plea of I'm sorry, I won't ever bot again, please restore my account to where it was, but failed!

      Hurry & get it fixed, don't make me hand level myself up!
    5. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      I saw this in another thread and found it to be as relevant a statement as I've ever seen. I'd give credit but I can't remember who originally posted it.

      Asking the developers of a bot software for a refund because your account was banned is like asking a crack dealer for a refund because you got busted for possession.

      Personal accountability people. We knew botting could get us banned yet we did it anyway. We rolled the dice and we lost. End of story. Not Trion's fault, not the dev's fault, not even Obama's fault. MY fault. YOUR fault. If you only got a 24 hour suspension, consider yourself lucky instead of bitching about it.
    6. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      @onebigchieff - We know, with almost positive certainty, that Trion scanned outside of the game's memory to discover the program is on your computer. How do we know? A friend of mine downloaded this bot, never used it, never even opened it or unzipped it, he got banned. Another friend downloaded it and unzipped it, she got banned. Some users, by phone or email, had Trion tell them the exact program they used. Goto your search bar on your computer and search for this programs name, you will almost always find at least 10 available files with this programs name connecting to it. It doesn't matter what is in the ToS that they are using to monitor you, the fact is they are breaking privacy laws from higher governments then their own. Case in point: Blizzard and Warden.

      But in the end, you botted, you broke the rules of unattended gameplay, you suffer. This doesn't mean you can't get back at them for doing something illegal on your something illegal. But... I could be wrong, why not.
    7. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      In order to attempt to get the software to work you had to 1) be logged into your Rift account and then 2) run the bot software. So, whether you actually got the bot to work or not, you did run the software while you had Rift running. So no, it's not being detected by just sitting on your hard drive not running but this does add credibility to the idea that some form of process scan lead to the banwave.

      Most of us got a perma ban. Since you never got the software to work, you only got a 24 hour suspension. Be thankful you didn't get the software to work.
    8. ed209

      ed209 New Member

      Jun 7, 2011
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      This ^^^

      I bought Ryftomate, purchased a new separate account to use it on, as I have five other accounts that I multibox with.

      Only my account that I used Ryftomate with has been perma banned.

      I can still use my other five accounts without a problem.

      I have to conclude that they are scanning memory while RIFT AND Ryftomate were both running and they detected something going on within the address space of my bot account. I say this because I was mutli boxing with my five other accounts while the bot was running in the other.

      At any rate it was fun while it lasted. :cool:
    9. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      I have no affiliation with this bot on a professional level, so I don not have to say nice things to you. Because you are too retarded to get the stem into your mouth and light the lighter, does not make the crack dealer liable. Thousands of us were able to get high just fine, QQ elsewhere, people like you that are too stupid to breathe and expect everything done for you are one of the reasons I am sure the bot got attacked by Trion. I botted WOW for 3 years straight, multiple accounts running all the time, NEVER had a ban. Not one. Why? Because I practice "safe botting" habits. I write my own profiles. I do NOT@ just download the first "ZOMGWTFIKINHAZHAX!!111!!" that google comes up with and press start. I personally wish the bot was harder to configure and run, Like Glider used to be. The easier it gets to use, the lower level of intelligence that is capable of using it. Thus creating a increased general awareness of the bot. When the bot becomes a eyesore to the general public, is when they start doing things about it.

      Not only would I not refund your money, I would ban you from the forums for being disrespectful. It is not the crack dealers fault you are too stupid to get high.
    10. Wikoster

      Wikoster New Member

      May 28, 2011
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      So are they allowed to scan memory processes? I thought they could only do that in order to make sure Rift functioned. Also, is there not some amount of evidence they must supply in order to remove our access? Or is the burden of proof only in a courtroom?
    11. gammagky

      gammagky New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      ya they really did lol, amazing isnt it? they wont even let me transfer my guild leadership to my officer in the guild.... so the guild has no leader now, fricken retarded. I asked to transfer my guild leadership to ********* and they responded with this...

      After reviewing pertinent logs, we have determined that the action taken against your account for use of third-party programs was correct. We will not be reversing relevant suspensions and/or notes applied to your account. Unfortunately, we cannot make changes to an account once it has been suspended.

      That doesnt even come close to what I was asking lmao
    12. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      I had/have the same problem with the guild leadership issue, lol..... I'm like so...... what the guild is forever led by a banned account that never signs on? Dipshits.
    13. Hunablazer

      Hunablazer Guest

      I highly doubt they scan your computer, as no other botting software developers experienced a ban/banwave like this one, the only way to have gotten banned, is through use, or attempted use. I botted, I only blame myself, like the rest of you should, and anyone who disagrees should be banned too!
    14. banme

      banme Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I still havent recieved an email from them, been banned since the first wave, Ive checked my junk mail filters too.
    15. RiftBob

      RiftBob New Member

      May 31, 2011
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      I haven't received an email either. I've been out of town for a few days and just tried to log in. I am at least suspended, though I fear the worst. :(
    16. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      Except I'm the one who had it level 3 toons simultaneously for me to 50. Without incident. Worked flawlessly. Hate on the bot because you are too dumb to figure out what is quite possibly the simplest bot user-friendly wise, ever? Yes, you are still retarded. Calling it a shitty program just highlights my point - the program works fine, the dip shit user of it fails - YOU. Since you are obviously slow you completely missed the point of the crack analogy. Please, just go away. When the bot comes back online I really don't want you running public profiles 24/7 for a week straight, then whining on here you got banned again, and blame the bot.......again. Now run along, and go ask your weed dealer for your money back because you are building a tolerance, so he must be selling you fake pot....lol
    17. Cicrocoft

      Cicrocoft New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Funny thing with software is that you dont own it. You buy the right to use it, and they can remove your right to use it anytime they feel for it. I havnt read the whole EULA, but i was wondering what it says about remaining/unused credit/playtime on the account, when they terminate the account. Im not sure about the memory scanning, i think there is a law somwhere here in europe that says they cant, but i have no source...
    18. gammagky

      gammagky New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      Everyone who hasnt received an email is 95% perma banned, alot of the other posts never get an email and they are perma banned, right in the EULA it states " They have the right to notify you or not to if your account has been suspended or banned" It seems that so many people were banned they just didnt bother sending emails out cause of it. IMO it would have been nice to recieve an email instead of believing i only had a suspension XD o well
    19. hermes

      hermes Guest

      imho, thats right, i dont send him email, but i post ticket, without answer :)
    20. Anonuzer

      Anonuzer New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      It actually says in the EULA that playtime is pre paid and that you forfeit the right to a refund of any pre-paid time if an account is closed for any reason. Is that legal? Can that be fought? I'm not sure.

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