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  • I think I've got some good news

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by rogiis, Jun 21, 2011.

    1. rogiis

      rogiis New Member

      Jul 20, 2011
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      Hi everyone!

      As you know, Trion had a banwave about 1 week ago and alot of people on this forum were banned including me.
      Anyways now to the good news.
      I contacted Trion via "ask a question" and I told them that my accounts have been "hacked" by some one and they replied that I should contact them to verify my ownership to be able to retrieve my "stolen" accounts by using the "phone support".

      Well anyways I'm going to call them now and see what they'll tell me :)

      Let's see if I can retrieve my "stolen" accounts and perhaps unlock the ban.
    2. Tony

      Tony Guest

      good luck :)
    3. rogiis

      rogiis New Member

      Jul 20, 2011
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      Or is it really worth my precious time?

      nvm, its always worth it!
    4. daaha_92

      daaha_92 New Member

      Jun 2, 2011
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      Will they not check the IP's? Then i guess its no luck for you :/
    5. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      They will note the time the bot was used on the account and tell you to shit in your hat. I tried everything I could think of, including escalating it as high as they would let me, and the Senior GM told me to beat it, and he would not, nor allow any member of his staff to respond to any further inquiries about my account.
    6. LiLBiggs4Life

      LiLBiggs4Life New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      Same here. There's been at least 3 completely different IPs connected during the lifetime of my Rift account. One of them is even from a couple states over.

    7. papatoast

      papatoast Guest

    8. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      How that? I mean if you have a proxy running and always get a coin lock and unlock it then they know for sure that it is you....if think the coin lock just makes it almost impossible to use a proxy. If the proxy IP is too far away you'll get a coin lock...if you unlock it they know it is you....
    9. mariox

      mariox Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      your email could be the same as your rift login making it easy to hack your email and reset the coin lock. So they don't know it's you for sure.
    10. papatoast

      papatoast Guest


      Email addresses can get hacked too you know, and with the exception of stupid people falling for social engineering, this is one of the more common things that occur. Email gets hacked, login details get keylogged, and coinlock gets bypassed.

      I mean 5 seconds of thinking is all it really takes to realize this. Why else would anyone hack an account? They automatically get coinlocked when logged into from another IP, and coinlocked accounts are 100% useless as no items can be sold, skills trained, or anything. Email address and password are also required to effectively hack an account and get anything out of it.

      There's no way of them knowing what IP downloads an email from a mail server, so they've no way to know who took control of an account. If I say my system was compromised and my account hacked, all they should be able to see is that an IP from a country other than the one thats normal logged in (because I'm behind a proxy), and the coinlock code that was emailed to a potentially compromised address - but somehow they knew it was still me, they claim they have logs proving its still me. They can't know this for certain, which is why the "I got hacked" excuse should work. Its the only reason the "I got hacked" excuse ever works. If you don't know that and you're trying that excuse, save yourself the time and stop :p
    11. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Okay here is another 5 seconds of thinking....You want to fake hack your account but...

      a real person who got his account hacked, tries to reset the password. Then tries to login into mail account and recognizes that even this account seems to be hacked. So then this person tries to contact mail hoster and so on.....

      So you want the Trion support to believe, that your account got hacked and you did not noticed it neither tried to reset the acc password nor tried to login into your email account and all that over period of several days or something???are you serious? XD I mean come on...
    12. papatoast

      papatoast Guest

      To answer your question, you tell them you've been away for a week. Its a very valid reason for why an account got hacked and the owner didn't notice.
    13. mw6956

      mw6956 Guest

      or go one better and say your in the military and have been away in aufganistan defending the free world :D luckily i'm in the military so i'm not lying :p
    14. papatoast

      papatoast Guest

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