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  • [OFFICIAL] Second Update on Banwave of June 16 2011

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jun 24, 2011.

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    1. papatoast

      papatoast Guest


      yeah looks like patches will just keep rolling out continuously with this game. Its an effective way to fight bots I guess.
    2. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      I really dont think that Trion` going to patch everyday (espescially to fight bots lol). And i found that some users prone to panic with no reasons.
      This DevTeam is really good (look at HB project), so we can trust them in 100% and lets wait for while.
    3. Gashi

      Gashi Guest

      Not really, because if they bann us there, do you think we will buy a game a third time? no my friend, the mouse wont do the same failure as last time, that's just not gonna happend, they just did a perm bann to earn a litle cash. Now they're probably going to 24-72 hour bann us, it's like a warning, we can catch you. just think about it, banning me once will make me buy the game again, but not for 100% sure, but if you bann me twice, the chance are low or almost zero if this happends the first week of botting.
    4. nevropat

      nevropat New Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      Where a bot for Rift version 1.3 ???
    5. Redman

      Redman Guest

      You're gonna lose money with a mindset like that. The first cases of the 24-72 hour bans were all from player reports. They now have detection in place, and Hawker himself even posted that they are still not positive how it's being done, so bot at your own risk. If I do decide to buy Rift again (still deciding and playing Terraria... Damn game is addicting) I will play legit and at a snail's pace, in my spare time. Botting was fun and all, but it wasn't worth losing my 2 level 50s that I leveled legit. Ryftomate had a good 3week run, but I honestly think everyone is underestimating Trion. I met some of the dev team back at PAX 2010, and unlike Blizzard they give a shit about their product, and this quick detection and banwave is proof of that.
    6. Wolfson

      Wolfson New Member

      Jun 20, 2011
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      And Another patch..... man do they gonna patch now everyday?
    7. Hawker

      Hawker Guest

      This last patch has slowed us and we can't release today.

      Our logic is to get questing working so that Trion has far less player reports in the first place and then the adaptations we have made should prevent server side detection of the bot. We have grinding working and are testing on live accounts but we are not going to release if the accounts are banned in the first 24 hours.

      I know you guys are anxious to help and want to test as well. Thanks but we have to take the risks ourselves at this stage. I'll post back tomorrow.
    8. TurboGolom

      TurboGolom New Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      sry but i hate it to wait so long -.- and everytime "we cant bring the bot out today" man that sucks say wait until the xxx.xxx.2011 and everything is fine but everytime this maybe next day is not cool
    9. Darkcollins

      Darkcollins New Member

      May 29, 2011
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      If you can't wait for a program to get worked out then go find something else to do. Not trying to be a prick but things like this can take time, esp if you want it to do the job well. I understand its annoying but its all part of it unfortunately.
    10. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      each time trion makes a new patch, things change and it takes a day or so to sort it out and test it
    11. Tony

      Tony Guest

      and it seems that Trion got issues with Rift cause they almost patching it every day

      every Rift patch= +1 day downtime for Ryftomate :(
    12. zameek

      zameek Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      when will the bot be out
    13. Redman

      Redman Guest

      People who are impatient and keep asking when's it going to be released I have a question to you all: Are you that anxious to be perma banned again?

      Let them do all the testing in the world they need to, or else it's gonna be a banwave again. I personally will not be botting ever again on Rift, because I don't know if I am ever going to buy the game again, but Trion is on top of their game, so it's going to be a while before Ryftomate or any other bot for that matter are 100% so either chill out or be banned again, choice is yours.
    14. zameek

      zameek Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      u think i care well i dont pay another 40$ make another account
    15. Beans

      Beans Guest

      This has been the pattern since early Beta and I doubt it will change. Trion has short development cycles for production fixes.
    16. onebigchieff

      onebigchieff Guest

      First, this needs to be known: For whatever reason i could never ever ever get this bot to work once for me. Whether it is something I had been doing wrong (I followed all the steps.) or something that was not downloaded correctly from Ryftomate doesnt really matter and I dont really care either way. Point is, I NEVER USED THIS BOT ONE SINGLE TIME. I got a 24 hour ban for using a "third party automation program" and the email i received said player report on it as well. Let me ask this: If I never was able to use this bot, then how can I have been reported by a player? I couldnt have been. I have a gut feeling that Trion uses this to hide the fact that they are scanning our computers and finding Ryftomate on there and then BOOM! banhammer. Dont think that just because its illegal that Trion wouldnt do it. What needs to happen is like Pirox, the Dev Team needs to start having all their customers change the folder name from Ryftomate to something else to disguise what it really is. I understand that Pirox is competition but learning from your competition is a great idea and for whatever reason, they saw it necessary to change the name of the PVPTool and Ryftomate should do the same.
    17. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      I don't pretend to know shit about coding or beating the system of detection but PVP tool never failed me. Nor did glider. I agree 100% on the logic of seeing what works and using it. I was always extremely nervous about having a window showing that said "Ryftomate" LOL For your specific case chief I would imagine you were able to get it to attach to RIFT, as there is nothing to it to do that. Thats how they detected it I am sure, through the injection process or something.
    18. Joshua Conover

      Joshua Conover New Member

      Jun 19, 2011
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      with every day of downtime we will be getting that time added back right?
    19. niron77

      niron77 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I´m looking forward to the new stuff in ryftom8 and more time with my kids while the bots level upp my 5 new accounts thats w8ing for the release...
    20. wilsonj17

      wilsonj17 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Seriously why do people actually still think that changing the process name or folder name will stop them from being banned? Im not arsed what anyone say's but Ryftomate never had protection because Trion never had protection so jump on the bandwagon and say nooo they had a Tripwire!! but tell me why would they a have a tripwire if the game had no protection against botter's? No one has a clue what Trion is doing to detect the bot so that's why there has been a 3 week delay on a update, now if they still dont know how there being detected and they push out a update they might aswell close down the project since it will just result in another bannwave.

      Also is the project still worth the hasle to keep running since the game is shite and there is no point trying to make money of plat and the forum is are virtually dead lol do people actually still play the game? i got bored from level 15 and there is no in game depth detail for my liking.
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