make sure you toon has big bag space, has enough water (casters) and food (melee/non healers), and correct profile. make sure gear is at least par. you shouldn't be dieing unless u get more than 1-2 adds. the bot is made to level yellows
nah not the problem, level 1 gear wouldnt make that much of a difference (i use to level 60's in 30 gear back in the day), spells between 8-12 wouldnt do anything, if you could watch for 5 mins while it does the botting actions it would help alot
i think the new cc made the whole thing a lot better, my char didnt die since then and made it to level 12 now.
Great, sounds like the last 2 lvls were alot faster for ya! I would just do some research on the fourms, there is countless post that will help you farm/bot better. Everyone has a trick or a suggestion. Good luck, have fun with your new toy!
Yeah my 3 80's and 3 60's would beg to disagree with you. HB is pretty darn excellent at what it does and the 1-60, 60-80 profile are very good as well. 19 hours played and level 10, yeah you're doing something wrong. A custom clas (cc) is a more customized (ie better) specialized set of instructions for 1 particular class, and even possibly 1 particular build for that class. What class are you leveling right now, and I'm sure we can find you a better cc to work with. I know the warlock, druid, shaman and warrior cc's kick ass. *edit, guess i should've read the next 2 pages.
all that and if you but a char, you probably will get ripped off.. I baught one and 4 months later was taken away (after i couldnt file paypal claim) and they got some epics and such. Buying a char is bad news.
Look in the custom class section, on the forums. I would also recommend that you level to 10 by hand anyway as just a few quests can be alot quicker than using your 2 or 3 abilities at low level.
started at level 24 with boa gear a few days ago and then went out over night and came back the next day at about the same time i left the day before and it had got to level 34 so you're defiantly doing something wrong
Yea you are having problems with Self configuration's. Nothing to do with the bot itself. Play around with different .CC's and get gear dont stay naked all your levels. And No way can you find a level 80 on Ebay for 14.99
atm i just started a alliance guy. level 15 = 15 hours played. all botted. Maybe 2 deaths the whole time. Pally