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  • Attention : This is how easy Ryftomate is to be detected

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by rhainland, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I dont know if i am to get banned for this, but i think this need some attention from the developers. I would love to hear something official on this, why are you guys doing it this way?.

       public static bool Detect1()
                  return FindModule("ryft"); //Ryftomate modules should not be in Rift
              public static bool Detect2()
                  return FindModule("mscoree"); //.NET should not be in Rift
              public static bool FindModule(string name)
                  var procs = Process.GetProcessesByName("Rift");
                  foreach (var rift in procs)
                      foreach (ProcessModule mod in rift.Modules)
                          if (mod.ModuleName.ToLower().Contains(name))
                              return true;
                  return false;
    2. Redman

      Redman Guest

      Care to elaborate?
    3. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Function above is all that Trion need to implement to instantly detect all users of Ryftomate. The devs will know what i am talking about.

      A basic idea, while not THAT simple is ; Add above code to anti cheat software = bye bye Ryftomate users.
    4. Beringtom

      Beringtom Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      wow, great, lets all post on this public forum how we can detect ryftomate!
      ever heard about PM??

      someone give med moderator rights, so i can edit his post to look like something out of my math book!
    5. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      You honestly dont think that Rift devs know this pure simple coding? The above code Basically looks for .net injected into Rift client.

      .net should at NO POINT be injected into the Rift process, it is when Ryftomate is launched = odd dont you think?
    6. Beringtom

      Beringtom Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      well im still not banned, so i guess they dont?
      but if they should check out this forum, look at this thread, and learn how to do it.

      then i can only hope that somone other then me says "if only Rhainland had send a PM to the devs instead of making a post on our public forum, then i might still have been botting today :("
    7. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I wonder how they hit us with a banwave already?. Make a wave, wait 2 months, do another one, get shit ton ton of people.

      You know, i did try and tell the devs about this. But apparently they like to avoid the hard facts, it is only right for the users to know what risks they take using Ryftomate. And since the Devs wont directly listen, then maybe the users will.

      Are you not happy to know this? You should be.
    8. Beringtom

      Beringtom Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      well, you could have posted the mathematical specifications of a soda cans contents and told me it was the direct reason of the banwave.
      sure you can tell the users there is a risk we might get banned please do so.
      but send the codes and the specifics in a pm to the devs.

      You got to be alittle paranoid about who might be watching this forum, if you know something trion dont know, then it better to be safe, then sorry.

      that's all i meant.
    9. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I understand what you mean, and i understand peoples frustration when they read above. But it is really important to know that Trion knows how their game works better then anyone.

      Really, they are fully aware that .net shouldnt be injected into their game, they made it. They can easily see from the ryftomate.exe it injects .net into the process, the app is also .net. I mean, it really is something a headless rabbit could do.

      I do this to shed light on whats happening, and maybe give the users some insight as to whether its a good idea to actually use Ryftomate? In my honest opinion, this bot is at its current state, asking for wave after wave.
    10. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      IMHO, pretty retarded of you to post this here. Every user here knows there's a chance that you may be banned using this software. Posting this code means next to nothing to 95%+ of the users here I'm betting.

      If you really want to draw attention to the public, explain what the code is doing and what exactly Trion could do to combat it.

      I can guarantee that noone here will be "thanking" you for the warning if another banwave comes. Trion's never going to say how they found the bot, nor will you ever know how they did either. Gaming companies never come out and say what method they used to detect software. Doing so would be bad business on their part.
    11. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I urge you to read my replies throughout this thread. If Trion did not know .net shouldnt be injected into their game, they should ALL BE FIRED AND WIPED OFF THE EARTH. They are game developers god damnit, they know when .net isnt supposed to be injected into their game. Please.
    12. SBananah

      SBananah New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Oh really ? Thanks you rhainland, that was very helpful.
      *End of irony*
    13. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I wish you guys would look outside of the box :).
    14. Hunablazer

      Hunablazer Guest

      I could decide whether I was happy or not if I knew what I was looking at...

      Would there have to be an update to implement this? Does it specifically search for 'Ryftomate'? I heard rift doesn't even have any anti-cheat software yet? (well it was a while ago)
    15. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      You are looking at very simple code that can detect whether or not Ryftomate or .net is injected into the rift client.

      .net is not supposed to run within Rift, so the fact that .net is injected into Rift screams that something or someone is doing something within rift that they arent supposed to.

      Rift must have some sort of any cheat system due to the last banwave, i doubt someone handpicked out all the accounts of Ryfto users.

      Most likely an update will be needed to implement this, but dont Trion update every 2 days? Every one of this could contain it, to be honest, i think Trion already knows this and are just waiting a little while to send out the new wave.
    16. Beans

      Beans Guest

      There are some very smart guys behind Ryftomate. If you are going to bring something like this out in public, you better have your guns loaded.
    17. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I have, i mean it is as simple as what i've showed in the first thread. It might sound somewhat unbelieveable, but i aint lying.
    18. Hunablazer

      Hunablazer Guest

      Maybe ryftomate has some anti-detection *insert technical term for 'stuff' here*? Something to hide itself?
    19. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Thats the point if this, it has nothing. Its plain obvious, thats why i am trying to get some devs to answer on whats the deal with this.
    20. Redman

      Redman Guest

      To be honest, I already know when the next wave comes my account is as good as gone, and I knew that right when I decided to bot again. This game is pretty much boring and going to fizzle out here in a few months, but at this time it's the only decent thing to play. So here's to hoping the next banwave is 1-2 months away so I can just PvP and kill some time while SWTOR and GW2 release dates are approaching, hahah!
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