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  • Attention : This is how easy Ryftomate is to be detected

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by rhainland, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      so, if it such simple to detect hundreds of botting accs just by using a few strings of code, why Trion dont doing it constantly? Rift could be The First game ever with no bots at all.
    2. Redman

      Redman Guest

      If it happens, it'll be in bulk, hence the name banwave.
    3. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Exactly. They want to catch as many as possible, not a little here and a little there. The bigger the impact, the more scared botters will get, the more downtime the bots are gonna have. Thats just how MMOs do it.

      Like i said, they could have use this method on the first wave, or something completely else. Point is, i expressed myself during the wave by asking the devs 'How can you say, ''we dont know what caused the banwave, but we are looking into it '' when an obvious flaw is starring right into the faces of both the developers, and Trion Worlds?'

      I was never answered, and i was looked down upon like a noob that really was just speaking shit. Well, i here is the proof in the very first post of this thread and yet again, most users of this forum is mad about me posting simple code that even a headless chipmunk could do? So certainly Trion worlds should be more then capable aswell.

      This is just to serve as a warning, for both the Devs of the bot, and the users. As long as its this obvious, a banwave is bound to happen, its rolling the dice.

      While it is always kind of 'rolling' the dice, it does feel a little better when an attempt to keep it hidden is made, in this case, it really isnt. And that is what i want to make people aware about.
    4. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      ok, but there is no reason for Trion to stack botting accs a couple of weeks just to "scary" botters, if they COULD catch it all time in first 5-10 mins of logging (hope u catch what i mean), just using this simple code.
      bots in developing MMOs like Rift isnt enemy #1, there many many things like sales, in/out subscribers, other money questions, releasing content, bugfixing and so on.
    5. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Its not 'just' to scare botters. If they banned whenever they detected a bot, it would be much easier for the bot developers to find the exact thing that got the cought. Like, a banwave hit yesterday, made new update, ran for a day, banwave hit again, made new update, ran for a day, banwave hit again.

      Bot devs can then pinpoint what changes was made to the bot, find ways around what might have caught them. With less and bigger waves, devs are kept more in the dark as to what caught them

      Either way, thats not the point if this discussion. What i posted in the first post is a fact, its not an assumption or an 'idea' this is in fact a way to detect Ryftomate. .net is never supposed to be injected into Rift at any one point, Trion worlds can just scan for .net in the process, and hurray, what do we have here? Looks like something that aint supposed to be there.

      You can assume as much as you like, but its the truth.
    6. banme

      banme Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      While I have no knowlledge or understanding of the code you have posted, and although I doubt posting that code will have any benefits for the Ryftomate developers, or for Trion for that matter. Protection methods and anti protection methods arent suitable for a public forum. Hawker has said before he wont talk about his anti detection methods because no point giving all the secrets away. If youve got valid discussion to make about the security of the program, perhaps discuss in PM with the devs
    7. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Already tried. But like i said, 'Hawker' has nothing to really discuss or keep hidden, thats much of the point of this. Very little has been done to hide Ryftomate, dont that worry you?.
    8. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      sry, cant agree with you about "sinister" trion which are wiating for more botting accs, just to keep bot devs in dark.
      all idea of ryftomate is .net operating, so it will be very difficult for Rmate devs just update it if Trion will use this method of detection. it might be another bot at all.
      you informed us , ty, but what the point of this topic? scary rmate users, advicing them not to bot?)
    9. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Read the thread, and you will most likely figure it out. Im not gonna repeat myself all the time.
    10. Redman

      Redman Guest

      I think another reason they dont ban you right away is because they wait til they charge you your monthly fee then boom, banned and can't get your money back. At least the banwave in my case came right after they had charged my account for 3 months. And I tried to get it back but no luck.
    11. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      You know, i did try and tell the devs about this. But apparently they like to avoid the hard facts, it is only right for the users to know what risks they take using Ryftomate. And since the Devs wont directly listen, then maybe the users will. 
      Are you not happy to know this? You should be.
      as i understood, you want us to think about your method of detection and how easy it does, but what the reason for you to start this topic with posting this code for public?
    12. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      The reason... Its right there..

      When this is public, maybe the devs wants to step up and give me, and the rest of you an answer as to why its done this way.

      If they dont, then atleast some users will have read this, and be made aware of the current flaws of the bot, if i just save 1 guy from being banned a month or 2 from now, then my job here is done.

      This should serve as a warning for users, and the developers to be more open about the bot, especially when there is an issue as big as this.

      The sample code given shouldnt be taken exactly as a 'method' of picking up the bot, more like how easy it IS to pick up the bot.
    13. Ilusi0n

      Ilusi0n New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @rhainland you are just spreading panic. Show me the injection method that ryftomate does on rift, i bet you don't have a clue on that. If the injection is secure then is not that little piece of code that is gonna discover the bot.

      You don't know jack.
    14. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Open up Ryftomate in IDA, tell me what you see, come back here and tell me i dont know jack shit.

      Get off your white horse, i am not spreading panic i speak facts. The code in main post was written after studying Ryftomates code, and this will detect the bot, you think i would make such claims without actually backing it up? God....
    15. HB7914Y06

      HB7914Y06 Guest

      Can anyone besides rhainland confirm this? I would just like a second opinion by someone who knows something about coding. :)
    16. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you Rhainland.

      Since the ban wave i haven't used ryftomate and when i read something like this i will continue not to use it.

      I'm a developer myself and - didn't tested it - if this super simple code works to detect ryftomate i really wonder if it is really you GB&HB team, that developed the bot.

      I mean..seriously wtf?

      I always prefered your products just because of one big thing: Security! Back in wow times there have been and are(!) several other good bots but i came here, paid a bit more but never had the slightest issues regarding security.

      Now i am reading this and really really wonder...please, seriously, give a statement!
    17. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      That was exactly what I thought when I saw this back at the banwave. I even told devs about it, and got no answer. Its been a while since the wave, still no change. So its about time that people know about this.
    18. Ilusi0n

      Ilusi0n New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If you are using a bot, that is illegal according to ToS, and not expecting a ban, sorry mate, but you are plain dumb.
    19. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Time to ignore your remarks. You are obviously incapable of understanding what this is about.
    20. hiddenlol

      hiddenlol New Member

      Apr 10, 2010
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      I think you all need to relax and wait for an official reply. All bots can be detected somehow. At this point, Rftomate is NOT. This could change tomorrow or the next day... its no different with any third party tool and what rhainland is suggesting sounds like the entire bot will need to be redesigned in something other then .net??

      Think i will take my chances for the time being and not play after a game patch its that simple. Without reading all 4 pages of crap... Your suggesting a staff member at Trion would need to buy the bot, decode it and write a detection method?
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