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  • Attention : This is how easy Ryftomate is to be detected

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by rhainland, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. Ilusi0n

      Ilusi0n New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @rhainland: I was actually talking to DaSoul.

      Anyway if you would really wanna help you would just PM Hawker instead of posting this here. So to me you are just a random troll, trying to spread panic, as i said earlier.
    2. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Ryftomate IS detected, unless trion only have 2 inches of brain. You could make an attempt at hiding the injection, not even that is done.

      Also, everyone can download the not free, and all the pointers are wide open. No one needs to purchase the not to study it.
    3. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      Useless Comic Sidenote:

      @ rhain - Why are you always cutting off the heads of small fuzzy animals? Rabbits, chipmunks? You don't torture animals do you? =D

      Actual Constructive Commentary:

      I FIRMLY do not believe that RoM is undetectable, I am sure there are several devs at Trion making six figure incomes that can easily reverse engineer the product to find out how to detect it. In about 10 minutes.However it all goes back to my theory of urgency - if botters keep their heads down and fly under the radar, then gaming devs generally leave them alone. Don't you think there are a ton of private bots out there in use? However, when the bot becomes too dominant/prevalent in a game and brings attention to itself and most importantly they begin getting complaints from non-botting users about "All the bots!!!ZOMGWTFXZ@!" then their hand is forced and they must do something about it. Believe me, if no one ever noticed, or complained about botters, there would never be a "detection" (it's detected, trust me) nor a "banwave"... Why? Because at the end of the day, Rift is a business, and it makes money from subscribers. And botters, albeit a thorn in their side, are still subscribers.
    4. Hawker

      Hawker Guest

      Interesting post as its theoretically correct but factually unimportant. Trion is of course able to write such simple tests by they are a lot more subtle as they know we are looking for their scans. When Trion come after a bot, they aim to do it in a way that the bot maker can't detect. It took us a week to work out last time. So, in effect, if what you posted seriously scares you, then best NEVER use Ryftomate as Trion use tests that are just as effective and are designed to be undetectable.

      You may wonder why WoW seems to much easier to bot? The answer is that its been reversed extensively for years now and we can see every thing that passes between the client and the server. But Blizzard also has deep technical resources and if they want, they can and sometimes do make changes that baffle us and we have to hold off a release while we get a grip on things.

      At the moment we are OK with Rift and not seeing anything that could get us. If that changes, of course we will close the auth server and kill all sessions with our tripwire. We use the bot for our own accounts and farming so we are constantly looking to make it as secure as possible.
    5. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      And this is all i asked for. It is indeed common sense that Trion or any company would use the most difficult and hardest to detect way when they best a bot, to make the job harder for the bot Devs.

      But even then, i mean i do understand your point. I might just not quite get why very little efford is given towards making it look a little less obvious that Ryftomate is being used on ones account.

      I mean, you guys got your methods, i realise that. But maybe some people, including me, just expected more after comming from Honorbuddy. Atleast this thread didnt get deleted/closed, and banned me for it, for that i do have respect, moreso for your indepth answer.

      To anyone who doubted and hated on me, i wouldnt post nonsense to experienced coders like this, shoo :p.
    6. Hawker

      Hawker Guest

      The real problem is that the more open we are in terms of telling our users how we work the more vulnerable we are in terms of getting our users banned. The simple test you wrote is not an issue.

      We are doing questing profiles that go all the way to 50 and we are advising the people who are farming to mix in daily quests with the farming. The most important vulnerability we have is user reports. If Trion has very few users reports, we don't have a problem at all. If they do have so many they assign a team to getting us, we have big issues. So if you want to help with this, make some questing profiles :)
    7. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      I do see your point, but i most remind you of you what you have said yourself, Trion and Rift is a new world, its new systems and possibly new ways to handle the ways they go around bots.

      Of course less player reports is gonna make the world of botting much safer in the way that they might not be getting as much attention, but do we know that this is how Trion works? I am not quite convinced.

      If course i might have misworded some of my posts in this thread due to some frustration from the users turning a blind eye to me saying im a troll, i of course didnt mean 'go right ahead and tell people how your work the bot', i just think that even if it technically 'in the mind' of the pro coders, makes no sense to add some sort of security og disguise as to how the bot is injected, it would add a layer of security for the users, give them an idea that something is being done even though that the chances that it helps are little, the efford is made.

      Either way, i can see it from your perspective, i understand your views and arguements, we might just have different views as to how the community might look at this.
    8. drunknfool

      drunknfool New Member

      Jul 18, 2011
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      This is basic C# let me explain it to you :)

      public static bool Detect1() Method name that returns no value but does pick out a true or faulse
      return FindModule("ryft"); makes sure your not running another bot
      public static bool Detect2()
      return FindModule("mscoree"); checks to make sure your not running another .net framework
      public static bool FindModule(string name)
      var procs = Process.GetProcessesByName("Rift"); finds the process of Rift
      foreach (var rift in procs) gets the diff rift apps that are running incase you are multiclienting
      foreach (ProcessModule mod in rift.Modules) makes the list of diff names that you are running
      if (mod.ModuleName.ToLower().Contains(name)) same as above
      return true;
      return false;


      Forgot to mention none of this is detectable from server side its simply just some simple checks that the program is doing to get its list of names and makes sure that you arent going to mess up the program. I use this method in my programming all the time it makes it nice if you want to send commands to one program even if that program is in the background
    9. Hawker

      Hawker Guest

      We are very open and make clear BEFORE someone buys Ryfotmate that it can get their account banned as can any bot. The reason people react harshly to your posts is that they are up for the fight.

      I'm locking this thread as it seems repetitive and really I am fed up of having so many PMs from people asking me to mute you.
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