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  • To all the people who have successfully had their accounts unbanned after a banwave

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by KnivesXD, Aug 16, 2011.

    1. KnivesXD

      KnivesXD Guest

      Can you share what you said to the GMs that made them unban it? It seems that some people have had success with recovering their accounts, and it couldn't hurt to try and duplicate some peoples' success.

    2. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      I think that for the vast majority of unbanned accounts, it was wholly dependent on the length of time the bot was used. They are not only detecting the software we are using, but are tracking how long it was used. Logically, they are NOT using a once time scan to detect us, rather than a long time observation of botting behavior, thus solidifying their case against anyone trying to get the ban overturned. More often than not, you used it too long (anything over a day from what I have seen in the past) and will NOT get the account restored. Trust me, I have gotten 8 accounts lost to date, and fought them all using every bullshit excuse I could think of... none worked! :p
    3. diablo

      diablo New Member

      Aug 1, 2011
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      For all Germans:

      Vielen Dank für Deine Kontaktaufnahme betreffend Deines RIFT Kontos!

      Wir bedauern Dir mitteilen zu müssen, daß aufgrund der Verwendung von Drittanbieter-Programmen, die das Gameplay automatisieren, Dir Dein Spiel-Konto endgültig geschlossen wurde. Wir haben eine umfangreiche Untersuchung bei der Erzielung dieser Schlussfolgerung geführt und nehmen diese Art von Maßnahme nicht leichtfertig vor.

      Wir wünschen Dir das Beste für Deine Gaming-Bemühungen in der Zukunft. Wenn Du zu einem Zeit-Punkt beschließt, ein Trion Spiel mit einem neuen Konto in der Zukunft zu spielen, bitten wir Dich keine Bot-Software zu benutzen.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
      GM Primarch
      In-Game Support Sr.
      Trion Worlds Inc.

      I think it was to mutch botting? everry day 1 - 3 Hour...

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