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  • Rogue Issues?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Yorak, Oct 26, 2011.

    1. Yorak

      Yorak New Member

      Oct 24, 2011
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      Hello everyone. First and foremost - this is an amazing program. Thank you for it.

      I play a Rogue and spec'd just like the guide says. I did not have very many problems going from 44-48. In that guide, it says that we should take little damage and that the build was not dependent upon your gear. I can say that my gear is decent. Half blue, half purple. While trying to bot in the 48+ areas, I am having an issue with adds. I can take about 2 fellas at a time, but if a third one comes along (and I cannot drink my potion at that time), I die.

      I will say with 100% honesty that I have no idea how to properly play a Bard/Ranger/Bladedancer build. Are the little animals I summon meant to tank or just deal DPS? They never tank, but they do DPS so that is what I am assuming. I guess I was confused when the guide said I would not be taking much damage. I take all the damage the entire time. My normal build (Assassin/Riftstalker/Nightblade) is great, and I used to bot with it on another program ages ago. I do not know how to code very well so I doubt I can make a profile that will work with that.

      Also, how does this bot use spells/skills without them being on the hotbars? I do not have to put all of my skills on there for them to be used, do I? Because often the bot will quaff a potion that is only in my bags, not hotbar. Apparently that is how it is supposed to work, I was just curious how it did so. :p

      Thanks in advance. :)
    2. tc-zze

      tc-zze New Member

      Jul 16, 2011
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      Hi, Yorak - First off.
      At your level, DPS. If you peek at the pets current level (if you don't have Greater *Razorbeast / *Dire wolf / *Blood raptor.) compared to your level, you'll notice the major level difference.. personally after 36 my pet started seeming like a waste of a role :( But after respec'ing and getting a blood raptor its been working out..

      Its magic bro! :D Seriously though, I don't know how to explain this without getting supper into the conversation.. So I'll just say; Being injected into RIFT's client is a big part of it :p

      hope this answers your questions,.. best of luck - cheers
    3. Yorak

      Yorak New Member

      Oct 24, 2011
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      Well it is pretty interesting. I have studied C++ for awhile, but never really took a look at game code.

      I fixed my issue. Oh, this was so embarrassing. Don't make fun! I made the most moronic mistake I ever could have...not buying skill manuals for my second role. Not used to playing anything other than this build, so I totally forgot to buy them. Oh well! Everything is great now. Thanks everyone. :)

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