Problems for me Hi, only using this for PvP Only used with BGBot Deselects targets at random times, even when no other target near by Acts as if it is stuck when on open ground Might be the way ive got it set up, or maybe a BGbot issue? Log attached
hello veiled j j have a concern not download apsal'ara happens when I downloaded it gives me a glimpse of the image
Try disabling Blind and tell me if it helps. I don't have any time till end of weekend for code changes. Please try to describe it in other words, i have no clue what this translation means.
other cc's are able handle this such as the holy pally/holy priest CC. Also is there anyway to stop Feint on cd???
I mean that for melee characters, HB will dismount them at like 30 yards or even more range making it impossible to "ride in and stealth". Also it uses Feint only and always when it is glyphed, there is simply no reason not to use it when we have spare second, because it does not cost any energy and is places at the very bottom of rotation.
Sorry using this specifically for the Heroic Mor fight where I need to be able to Feint and a specific time, and dont want a chance of the 4 sec period where feint is on cd, and I am without the buff to cause a wipe. I believe I found how to turn it off, and was wondering if you could confirm. In subtlety.cs line 139, you could remove "Commons.CreateFeint()" aswell as the comma on the above line. Sorry if I sounded bitchy, I really appreciate your hard work on this cc, and your quick responses. You make me look great every raid night, keep up the good work!
Does anyone know how to add some code to this to make it auto stealth when it leaves combat, I have it so when im pvping it just goes around in stealth but when it leaves combat after battle i need to be able to restealth
Oh and also after getting my head out of my ass I realized that with enveloping shadows, its 9 secs, so there is only ever a 1 sec period without it, so it should be fine as is lol... your right again =D
it'd be nice if it stopped casting kick on bosses where 90% of boss skills are uninterruptable nevermind i didn't realize you could turn it off
Using mounts has nothing to do with CustomClasses and almost nothing to do with Plugins, it's coded into HB core.
salut voil? le souci que j'ai, je t?l?charge le dossier mais ?a me donne juste une image je respecte bien la fa?on de le t?l?charge
What you mean by "image"? Whatever you mean, did you delete former singular folder before installing mine?
Wanted to test this out with combat but all i get once i try and load HB is File: Line: 0 Error: Resource identifier 'ConfigurationForm.resources' has already been used in this assembly Any help please
When using this in bgs it occasionally stops moving correctly, it stops and inches toward an enemy instead of running towards them. Any ideas?
[Singular] Can't determine encounter type, target invalid or friendly. in party-bot my rogue sometimes stops. What is that?