Use this spec Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft Get prayer of healing glyph instead of PW Barrier The version 2.2 up says 2.1 when you select CC, but it is actually 2.2. Make sure you open config when you load. I didnt notices thats what loads settings.
I wasn't going to update anything for a while, but I was really in the mood. Version 3.0 up -Simple DPS Rotation (Smite, Holy Fire, D. Plague, SW: Pain, Penance) -Smite Healing (if you set this will use "Smite" instead of "Heal") -5 Profile settings to customize -PW: Shield now casts if target is below settings level or if they have aggro I have only tested to see if features are working, I haven't extensively ran instances to find the perfect settings. PLEASE Delete old settings PLEASE Customize your settings PLEASE Read old posts before you post problems If you have optimized settings that your would like to submit, send them to me and I will include them in the next update. Thanks for your support, -Jason
2.2 was healing better IMO within Dungeons. 3.0 seems like a much more lazy healer who forgets to heal when he should and barley ever uses POH. Also I checkmarked smite healing and the dps things and the healer does not shoot out one smite.. I have to do it all myself. Just letting you know .. F
Thanks for letting me know. I ran a ton of dungeons and fixed some things that were causing hangups. Version 3.1 -Fixed issues with DPS/Archangel -Corrected distances for DPS -Fixed Shield Friendlies -"Smite Heal" option currently does nothing (if you want to smite heal just turn on dps -Added Prayer of Healing check to dps rotation The "Smite Heal" option is kinda redundant if dps is enabled. Ill test a little more later. I had to stop b/c I was lagging out. PW: Shield is tied to aggro now, so shielding tank option may not be necessary. Gonna look at that more. Had to set Archangel to cast on cd. The methods I was trying to use to return evangelism stacks were not working well and cause a lot of the 3.0 dps hangups. Enjoy and let me know if you have any suggestions.
Need to make POH more used, i used 2.2 in LFR and all it did was renew and shield people and cast heal... ill test out 3.1 but should focus on healing more the dps for now until healing is complete. But other then that thanks for making a disc CC been using FPS
Ill test some 25 man today. I think dps stuff is finished. The shield thing could be due to aggro. Idk if the whole raid is aggroed that whole fight. POH uses the settings in the config to check for POH, but I also put if no one is below 50. Probably get rid of that since POH already has a min. Thanks for the heads up. Ill test it this afternoon.
yes, not good for 25raid (very low), but suitable for 5people dungeon. Still didn't test in arena. Jasf, thanks a lot for your job! hope u'll continue to upgrade your CC
Fixed, thanks for heads up. Version 3.2 out -Fixed eating/drinking and casting -Changed dps option to "Heal First", "DPS First" and "Heal Only" -Urgent Dispelling added. Make sure to delete old settings. Sry if you had to keep doing that. For urgent dispelling... go to urgent dispel tab, type debuff name in text box. press enter. List will save when you save. If you want to remove a debuff, type the name and hit delete button. If you remove one, an error message will pop up. Just hit ignore and save. That message is just telling you that you remove something. Note for different profiles... This CC does not detect your environment, so you manually load the profile you want to use by selecting it and clicking save button. Those default settings are just the same thing as dungeon with flash heal changed so i could test them btw... So customize your settings. Thats the last major update. I will just be testing and fixing bugs as they arise. Thank you for using my profile.
I tested version 3.2 on 10 man dragon soul and it worked great. The settings were pretty close to default settings. I think the only difference was that I changed Prayer of Healing to 45-80. Numbers were really good, which makes me sad b/c now the computer is better than me. I was finally able to test the urgent dispel and it is working well too. If you add dispels to your list and save, you will notice a file called DiscCC_dispels.ini in you HB folder. You can edit your dispels list with this file too if you want. enjoy!
One last thing to note. GameFront is INSANELY annoying. I get proxy issues with Chrome and Firefox, and it can only be used with opening Internet Explorer... Edit: Forgot to tell you...This DOES work really well even at lower levels...(Albeit, I tried at 66...) Edit2: Spams PW: Fortitude if the Warrior Tank has his shout active. Edit3: Yes, I'm on 3.2...
Ill make one of those svn trunks. I tried doing it earlier but I wasted a lot of time and was pretty frustrated. Now that the updates are smaller, it could really use one. As for Fortitude, I didn't know it canceled out the buff. Thanks for telling me. EDIT: ok i have an svn now... took me all of 5 minutes lol. Its awesome. Once I figure out how to remove password ill start using it. You would have to be more specific. At the moment, this does work in BGs. I would probably turn off your face target. Penance will always face target though, even if you aren't botting. I did a lot of test in bgs and it worked fine. But if you want to try holy, as someone else stated, UPrHCCBT is a great holy cc too.
Version 3.2 Rev 1 up Now has SVN for downloads! -Fixed annoying error message for deleting urgent dispels -added check for Commanding Shout before attempting to buff PW:Fort No new settings, so dont worry about deleting settings if you already have version 3.2 Thanks for all your help and support. Enjoy!
Ive seen the new changes and iam loving them as though there is the option to dps n ow does this mean it will smite heal ?