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  • Year Contract vs Ban Hammer, Thoughts or experiences

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by twistoffate, Dec 16, 2011.

    1. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      So i have a Year Contract with Blizz now and with the release of Dragon Soul Raid i figure i will get Bored within 3-months and will probably have all classes 85 thanks to HB.

      Part of me is trying to get banned to relinquish myself from this year contract(as was said with Blue that if you happen to get perma-banned your contract will be forfeit as well)

      But as i'm basically botting All day long, i'm pushing what i would of normally done from the shadows into a more aggressive botting stance. AH-controlling , BG Botting (non-healing, which was imo the only safe way to pvp), etc.). I'm Starting to think Blizzard wont issue too many bans until the release of Mists B/C:
      1. Year Contract is a guaranteed Cash-Flow for Blizz
      2. Banning between The Last Content of Cata and Mists will probably result in a non-returning customer.
      b) If non-returning, will not buy Mists.
      3. Even though Blizz made a 'stance' on the PVE-exploit of the LFR , I some how think this was just as a facade move for Blizz to actually scare the botting communities to say " Hey , We're Still watching heres an example"

      Do you agree with because of the Declining state of WoW it may be the Safest time to Bot?

      What you think?
    2. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      Also i should note,
      if i did get banned and would like to in the future have the option to play mists it would be cheaper to get banned and take advantage of the holiday savings to buy new cata etc
      over paying the full-contract
    3. Altoids

      Altoids New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      I honestly think that if Blizz REALLY wanted to reduce the number of bots, they could in a heartbeat. Ok, so they can't directly detect HB, you know, I could easily pick out an HB bot and could probably even write an algorithm that could do the same... there are so many characteristics that make it different than general human players - ones that I have repeatedly asked to be worked on. The funny thing is that the majority of the time I get repeated "that's not bot-like, I do that myself when I play manually" responses... yea... like most people really make 160 degree turns with zero turn radius or land ON the mine 95% of the time.. but I digress.

      Yes, there may be an OCCASIONAL person that may actually do some of the 'bot-like' things sometimes... but the vast majority of the manual players do not. Even if Blizz wanted to error on caution, all they'd have to do is have the algorithm flag accounts for followup and have GMs check them out individually. They would ban hundreds per day doing that... BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO. Banned accounts means loss of revenue and enough banned accounts means significant loss of revenue. They don't want that.

      So they just do things like this law suit (which they know will take a long time but gives the appearance that they really care about reducing bots) and they investigate and suspend/ban botters that are bad enough to get themselves reported... but other than that, they just continue to keep their head in the sand and don't look for botters.

      Just my .02 worth... ok, maybe a bit more... ;-)
      *Edit* Don't think for a moment that Blizz isn't already aware of how are bots are different than human players... a company that rakes in millions per month wouldn't hesitate for 1 second to buy 1 or more HB licences and have people testing them.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
    4. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Ok why is BG Botting as a non healer safer? I pretty much only run BG Bot as healer and I see it as if anything much safer as it doesn't screw up as often as melee dps for example.

      1. Won't make any difference they have banned accounts that were paid up for a long time before why would this be different?
      2. Again won't make a difference, you have nothing to base this on.
      3. PVE exploit of LFR was completely unrelated to botting so why would this "send a message" ?

      It might be declining at the moment but if SWTOR goes south then WoW will be swelling with new members again, I saw one MMO nearly tank before and that has come back impressively and it had a tiny fraction of the subs WoW does.

      In essence I think all of your points are null and void and this has been a waste of valuable posting time.
    5. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Annual Pass makes absolutely no difference in whether they ban you or not.
      I know I've lost one account that had the pass.
    6. Rock

      Rock New Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      Last friday someone reported me for Botting. I know because he whisped me.

      After babysitting it for the rest of the day I went downstairs to smoke a cigarette with my girlfriend. When I got back I got a whisp from a Gm which I could not respond to. While I was down HB was still running: Auto angler flying profile in TH.

      Result: three day suspension and not even a perma-ban :p
    7. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      This is exactly why i made this post i was curious on how blizzard would approach this.

      But my question is, do you think you were banned because you did something that was Blatantly un-ignorable?

      LOL btw what i meant to say , BG botting only Healing is safest
    8. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      Haha nice 3-day ban, what a slap on the wrist.
      This just makes it even more confusing, considering the above poster. I think it will just be more common to see these types of slap on the wrists .

      Unless your bot decides to do a /facepalm and loop itself into walking into the auctionhouse wall or something for like 2 hours
    9. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      Also its AV weekend,

      I saw 5 people with using clearly BG-Bot pathing
      so even though i say i dont care instead of just queueing AV i just went with random bg.

      I think AV Weekend is the hump far ban waves by-far imo
    10. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Gathering in TH. Private profile, smooth as a baby's bottom.
    11. fisalisa

      fisalisa Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      i think the ban-hammer is from some one reporting you and yes if blizzard wants they can hit every one with the hammer who?s boting. imo
    12. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      See this i find highly weird or rather very extra-ordinary.

      I've left my bot in TH well for 2-days or near without supervision (except manually mailing herbs to an alt),
      That being said Gathering with bots are for the tourists :)

      If you're going to bot you should at least have the profit margin to be great, alot of real players sell bulk cheap and HC-botters will sell bulk extremely cheap if you strike a deal with one.

      IMO botting should be used for the boring grinds,
      Mass Prospecting/Milling/Disenchanting, Honor Points, Honor --> Justice Points, Archaeology
    13. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Haha see I would of just exited WoW until I was there to babysit again they always whisper you when you aren't there :/
      Lucky it was just a 3 day ban.


      Remember not everyone using this bot has been using it long enough to build up enough gold to just buy what they need to fuel their profs.
      Also not everyone is that inclined thank god otherwise I'd have issues.
    14. twistoffate

      twistoffate New Member

      Oct 21, 2011
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      True, but you dont actually need that much capital in gold to start off .
      I think what botting did for me was Allow me to be " Well I can just bot back the gold i just spent"
      But now that i make gold from The AH i'm stingy

      Eventually if possible i might go into micro-rmt

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