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  • Want to buy private profiles?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by JeedUp, Dec 18, 2011.

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    1. JeedUp

      JeedUp New Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      Hello there.

      I am a lifetime buddy subscriber, and relatively new to the forum. Just generally exploring the bot and all it's functions. I must say, it's brilliantly coded and is a pleasure to work with.

      That said, the profiles are very few and wide (the good ones) and I notice that with Pirox going down, everyone is using Honorbuddy that bots. On my realm it's a lot. And everyone is using the same profiles. No matter which zone you go to, it's like a bot train. Three or four people will be landing at the same node, and I will follow for a bit just to notice that they are definitely bot activity. Self buffing, auto jumping, etc.

      It seems like the only good Uldum profiles are the Zuabros ones, and they don't really pick up what they say they do as far as nodes/hour. I am curious if there is a different site to grab more update profiles, maybe a bigger selection? I see a lot of plugins and nonsense, but nothing as far as ACTUAL PROFILES go for the botter.

      Seems to be a good community of people helping eachother code plugins, but subscribers want profiles. I know we could build them, but I didnt buy the bot to build profiles. I bought it to click and roll out.

      I am more than willing to pay a nice amount of real life cash for some great working profiles. Kickazz profile coder is a friend of my friend, and I was hoping this post would catch his attention.

      Looking for some really good mining/herbing or just plain mining profiles. Have a lot of cash to spend, so please either respond to this forum, or whisper me @ private message.

      Thank you :D

    2. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Quite a few private profile creators on here dude either PM one of the guys who has made profiles on here for public use about getting a private profile for you created or ask one of the guys who advertise like panyama.
    3. Zoinx

      Zoinx Active Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      Very easy to make profiles to fit your needs. I can easily make one for you, but it won't help you or do what you want. The mining/herb profiles that are out there run the best possible routes that spawn nodes of herbs/mines. You might not be gathering as much as you think you should because of several reasons, but the main one is there are a ton of people farming the same area. Sometimes respawns of nodes get thrown out of whack and aren't as they should be.

      TLDR; The public profiles on the forums run the BEST routes possible, it's just there are a lot of people competing over that same route.
    4. Clu

      Clu New Member

      Jun 22, 2011
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      not true at all, the ones who contributed them did a great job for the community, but the public profiles have very few hotspots (so you skip on a lot of nodes)

      To the OP: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/genera...own-private-profiles-easy-way.html#post334361
    5. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      not allowed, but you can very easily make your own... spend 10 minutes to make on and save that $10-$40
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