Suspending the PvP Profile Hey! I'll make this quick ... Is there a way to suspend the BG-Bot / PvP Bot - specifically the movement? I would like to let a plugin handle the movement without interference.
I've tried removing all the hotspots from the profile while in a BG (via the plugin) but despite the fact that the bot complains that there are no hotspots, it still runs the profile. Can anyone tell me why that happens? Or ... alternatively - a way to stop the profile from interfering in the first place. I would rather not spam MoveTo like crazy to stop the bot from moving around.
i got it! You gotta make a few addons then LazyRaider with a plugin that queues and accepts A plugin that handles the movement A plugin that targets and engages in combat
I think the goal is that he is not satisfied with the movement in the bot and wants to make a plugin for it
i see BgBot is under re-write we are testing it atm and once its ready it will be out just be patient
You guys adding some randomness to the waypoints it's gonna use? Like also; Not following the exact same paths when leaving the starting zone at first.
That's what he is doing already. I don't know for sure if it is for every bg but at least in arathin basin he doesn't always take the same route.
Oh hey! Answers! The BG-Bot as it is , is too suicidal. It likes to jump into a bunch of players alone and whatnot. The alternative was PvP + Squire however ... I'm having a bit of trouble with Squire and don't like a few aspects of it. Those being the brute-force approach to moving around and the fact that it follows a single player. So i wrote a little plugin that instead follows a group around, a cluster of players - as that looks much more natural. But it seems that the brute-force movement it uses seems to be the only way to do it right now - Kinda unfortunate since this was literally the last missing part before i wouldve been done with it.
As soon as i figure out a way to do this , i'll release it. The problem is that this is not built for spamming moveto - It would require some rewrites to make it work like squire in terms of movement. I still have a few ideas im currently testing - Not sure what the end result will be!
I'll lend this post abit. I once found alot of "profiles" i could change in the Honorbuddy folder such as "WSG" "AV" and other stuff. But now i cant find it, could anyone help me out with this?