Hello, i'm french and my english is not good :S I'have a problem, when launch a bot, (after launch WoW), in a window of HonnorBuddy, I'have : Error attaching Honorbuddy to WoW! - System.NullReferenceException: La r?f?rence d'objet n'est pas d?finie ? une instance d'un objet. ? Styx.WoWInternals.ObjectManager.Initialize(Memory blackmagic) ? Honorbuddy.MainWindow.#TUc() And You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with! This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050 You are currently on build #15050 ------------------------------- how to solve this problem ? thank you
Did you recently update it? I had the same problem First test to restart wow and honorbuddy If that dosent work If you have renamed your honorbuddy.exe, the updater dosent detect it. so it creates a new exe called honorbuddy.exe. Just rename that one and start it up and it should work