Hi, I`ve been using HB for some time to BG bot and Quest, but lately i`m having a lots of disc and WOW crash. Anyone know what is happening ? I`ve already cleaned my mesh folder. I`m using bg bot, pvp bot with kicks profiles and the following plugins: Buddycenter, logmeout, Shutup, FlagCap, TrinketRacial, Anti-Drown The instruction at "0x00B3315C" referenced memory at "0x25CAE700". The memory could not be "read".
this happens to me often. when im watching the bot, it always happens in one of two cases - A: wow temporarily freezes, putting what happens in game and the bot out of sync, so wow's like "Hey, we're frozen but on the server we're still moving, crash it!" or B: i unplugged internet cord, thereforce disconnecting from server. HB's still trying to interract with the server, so crash! i don't really know how to fix these problems, except dont turn off internet and try reducing FPS lag.