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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by CJF077, Dec 28, 2011.

    1. CJF077

      CJF077 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      Well I am a new to honorbuddy. Currently levelling at the moment and all is well.

      This is a seperate full account which I connect using a VPN. Is completely seperate to my main account.

      So what I have read on other forums is the following.

      I should have one farmer toon and a mule toon. The farmer does all the work, passes the gold / mats to the mule who is a member of a guild.

      On the other side the main account I also have a mule who is a member of the same guild. The mule withdraws money and mats etc.. and can then send them to my main characters. The main characters NEVER talk to the bots, nor have anything to do with them.

      Is this the way to go?

      A few questions.

      1. How do I get the mules to join a guild and have GM access to the guild so that I can withdraw gold / mats for sale.
      2. Is this the correct method of doing things? If not what do you suggest?

    2. Noobquake

      Noobquake New Member

      Dec 21, 2011
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      I would suggest that you start easy with Archbuddy and then if you master that then you could move on to more delicate things.
      Thats just imo
    3. nicmel

      nicmel Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you COULD do that. But you're still at risk of being banned. you could have your bot set to auto run into a tree all day and not get banned. There is no "safe" way to bot, it's all a risk.

      I have 2 accounts. On the first I have a farmer and a mule as you've described, farmer farms, mule sits at mail box and banks/AHs the stuff. 2nd account I play on, but I also bot things like fishing, archaeology and pvp. this account also has AH remote so that I can bot on the first account and when away from the home I can still AH the gear that comes in. This does mean that I occassionally use my main characters as "mules" when I'm not at home.
    4. CJF077

      CJF077 New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      Thanks. I am not looking at selling gold etc just using the gold on my mains to buy better equipment etc at the moment.

      What is the best method to do this using this second account and bot?

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