So my promlem is that Arelog stops after start wow/login and Honorbuddy. It don?t press the "start" bottom for farm on. I want to farm in the night but there is the 24 h disconnect of my router i have to relog with arelog . Can someone help me? /edit sry for bad englisch [17:53:10:843] [PID: 3856] Disconnected! Restarting WoW + Buddy [17:53:12:150] Starting WoW [17:53:12:158] Waiting for WoW to idle [17:53:18:207] [PID: 244] Moving WoW Window to: 56, 1 - With size: 1568x1008 [17:53:23:208] [PID: 244] Selecting character and entering world. [17:53:38:973] [PID: 244] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen. [17:53:38:973] [PID: 244] Starting Honorbuddy >>> and then nothing
don?t understand what you mean google translator say that scratch means a word that have no sonse in your sentence can you explain what you mean?