I know this is a general question.. I'm thinking about buying GB lifetime and xferin one of my 80s to a new account. lets say 12 hours a day.. how much gold would that be? Just want to make sure I can atleast make my money back in a week or so.
What gathering professions does your character have, herbalism or mining, do you have engineering (cloud sucker)? In my personal expierence, mining over 12 hours can pull in anywhere from 1-5k. But that depends on a number of factors; server population, market price, ability to dispose of mass amounts of ore (prospecting / black smithing).
Well when i was on X server(wont say name due to a reason) i made 4-6k a day from botting 10-15hours, now im down to 3-4k due to i moved to another server)
about 1k per day with mining/herbing and then converting them into flasks im running 8 hour run in storm peaks if i wanna earn this .
My main gather alone gather mats for 3 - 4 k in 8~hours. Then it takes another 1 - 2 days to get em sold
Depends on your server, my alliance server the Frost Lotus and Eternal Earth are like 35g and 10g, my horde however is like 71g and 27g, i make wayyyyyy more on my horde, like 2.7k for 8/9 hours.
I have 2 accounts: 1) Herb + Alchemy: 2k-3k per day 2) Mining + JC: 1k-3k per day Total ~4.5k per day with 2 accounts (8-10h per day)
4 accounts running. 1 - Mining 1 - Herb 2 - Fish 14 hours a day I make arround 7-8k a day. I am seeling all things i get to one person in cheap prices.
Depends how long you bot, if you say 12 hours a day and your server population is medium or high you can make an easy 2-3.5k gold unless your server prices suck.
over 12 hours I make about 5k with only herbalism (icethorn, frost lotus, lichbloom, eternal life). Takes about 10 minutes to sell it all in trade; all undercut prices from AH. If i sell everything off but the eternal life and icethorn, then turn them into darkmoon card I can make up to 3k more (depending on my luck).
I have one of every profession, If I use them all on a decent 8 hour day the most Ive made in a day is 13.4k I average about 7-10k
3k a day per acc, i dont run 24/7 though - prices are pretty low at the moment and will continue to decrease :\
1.)Run bot 24 hours and mail everything to itself 2.)Sort up herbs and ores. Smelt over half the saronite. Mail Ores to JC and Herbs to Inscriptioner 3.)Mill and Prospect everything but like 2 or so stacks of titanium ore(sell in stacks of 5), and same with frost lotus(but stacks of 2) 4.)Inscription makes Northrend cards.. JC makes stoneguard bands, gems, other misc items that can be DEed. 5.)Mail DEable stuff to Enchanter and disenchant while selling most of it for a decent price.. All of this together on an average server is anywhere from 9-13k gold. That's a whole day.
Average per day is a relative thing. I sold 15 stacks of frost lotus just now i had laying around and made 14.5k gold After i said i sell lotus in bulk for clearing banks in trade i got spammed with whispers like "omg me me i buy them all" "YES ME" "PLZ PLZ i want them" Frost lotus is the best item ever