I 100% know bag in last vr. PS I search this "censored" bag last 48 hours with our community. Try many things...
whats that? C:\Program Files\Logitech\GamePanel Software\LCD Manager\LgLcdApi.dll uninstall it and try again there is a chance of a conflict with Hb
that's the G15 keyboard display for WoW. I'll turn it off but really what WOULD REALLLY REALLY HELP is if you guys put up the previous version of HB for download. Because I never crashed even once using that, and the moment I updated to the current version I'm crashing non-stop with that Error 132. It's pretty unbearable because ARelog can't deal with it, and in any case the bot gets stuck in "Auth Failed Max Sessions" so the first crash is the end of my botting until I manually restart everything... and then it crashes again 15 min later.