ALLIANCE VERSION CLICK HERE UPDATE: 6/8/2010 - 6:06PM, Bot did not go to vendor. Code fixed, attachment updated. Farming runecloth can take a long time, and buying it can get expensive. This profile takes you to Deadwind Pass, located west of Stonard, and farms from the biggest hotspot for runecloth that isn't inhabited by many other people. In fact I have yet to run into a single person. This keeps ONLY runcloth, and vendor sells everything else. Fly to Stonard and turn on the bot. The rest works it's magic. When your bags are full, it runs back to Stonard and vendor sells everything you don't need, (i.e. not runecloth), and goes back to work. Even though it is rare, I did set it to not sell blues, because I noticed after using 1.0 for a while, that certain rare items will drop, which can be fun to keep, put in your guild bank, or auction off. This has not been fully tested, though I haven't seen many errors thus far. It does successfully go into and out of the cave, and I haven't seen it get stuck yet. HB2 FTW. 4 Full (20 slot) bags of runecloth yields 6000 reputation. Let me know how it works for everyone, and bot safely! (Factions for rep are Undercity, Orgrimmar, Silvermoon, Thunderbluff, Darkspear Trolls. Simply find the "Cloth Quartermaster" in each of the major horde cities, and turn in your cloth for rep. If you haven't done the initial turn-ins, you need... -60 Wool Cloth, -60 Silk Cloth, -60 Mageweave, -and an initial 60 Runecloth ...before you can repeatedly turn in 20 runecloth for more reputation. This is for EACH one, so in total you'll need 240 of each type of aforementioned cloth types before you can turn in runecloth for rep.) NOTE:: In addition to not selling runecloth, I also have it set to not sell Honeymint tea, and runic mana potions, because I keep those in my bags. If you know how to change it to protect items you want, then you can add them. Adding more items won't effect the bots ability to do anything.
hope it works well for ya! please let me know any errors you have. And be patient with the bot from Stonard to Deadwind. the initial run can be a bit sketchy with HB2, if you've never botted out there. Once it makes the first run though it should go pretty smoothly.
I tried this but it didnt work for me, it got stuck at "Activity: Downloading mesh.", tried to restart wow and HB but it didnt work...