Code: private bool Revive() { if (!CheckUnit(Me)) { return false; } foreach (WoWPlayer player in GetReviveTargets()) { if ([B]!CheckUnit(player)[/B] || Blacklist.Contains(player.Guid)) continue; else { if (player.Distance2D > 40 || !player.InLineOfSight) return false; else if (CanCast(REVIVE, player) && TCRestoDruidSettings.Instance.UseRevive && !Me.IsMoving) { LogActivity(REVIVE, player.Class.ToString()); Blacklist.Add(player, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15)); Cast(REVIVE, player); return true; } } } return false; } Code: private bool CheckUnit(WoWUnit unit) { return unit != null && unit.IsValid && [B]unit.IsAlive[/B]; } That doesn't make much sense does it?
Well, it kinda does The thing is, as a preventive measure I added a unitcheck to the start of every method where we need to cast anything to make sure we are valid, so, if for some strange reason, the CC enters any method when we are dead, it will not try to do anything. So, in short, in this case, if the CC enters the Revive method it checks if we are not null, if we are valid and if we are alive, in case one of these fail, the method will simply exit, since it makes no sense to try and cast a revive if we are dead Hope I was clear enough. Anything else, please, just ask
good job on the Ui , easy to use, very clear just what this needed ideas to nitpick a % bar on the green , when to use each spell get heal touch in there but honestly keep it up great work
Not quite I just noticed the bug myself, the issue is that, it sometimes does not update the tank when you change groups. Working on a fix now Thanks for your comment.
There is also the issue with Well of Eternity portals causing the bot to just Rejuvenate/Wild Growth and then Nourish spam. I'll post a good log of it when I get one.
You can use it at any level since it uses spells you have available at lower levels. Might not work as well, but lower levels are easier to heal anyway so I doubt it would make any noticeable difference.
Exactly, you can use this CC at any level (did not test it, but I assume it works, will try it on a lowbie some time) since I always check if you can cast a spell before you do, so, if you don't know that spell yet it will not try to use, resulting in an error free execution (hopefully, hehe). Healing dungeons at low levels (15+) will probably not work perfectly, but I think it will manage to keep everyone alive and be as much mana efficient as possible. One thing you can do to help the performance at lower levels is to adjust when the sells will be cast (the ones you actually have). If you try it out with a low level character please post here your feed back so everyone with the same question as you can benefit from your experience. Thank you very much for your interest in this CC.
I suspect that this issue is related to the one reported by Elderone, at least the reason for it to happen will probably be the same. It has been fixed on the last SVN release. If some of you could give it a spin and report if these problems persist I would be most grateful. On the tests i did I worked flawlessly, but I did not go to Well of Eternety, so at least for that one I would need feedback. Thank you very much for all your comments guys. Amazing community
CAnt seem to get 1.08 to work properly, it goes nuts with the targeting and wont heal anything.. just selects all toons in game over and over.
Hi, thank you for your comment, but would you please post a Log in order for me to see what is going on? That behaviour is not normal, since version 1.0.8 is working (not perfect, but well, you know that does not exists, hehe) and a lot of people managed to get it working (besides me of course). I suspect that some plugin you are using may be at fault here, but I can only be sure with a log. Thank you very much for reaching out, I'm always happy to help
After some testing I've seen that it doesn't like to heal when not in combat, it can leave people at 5% health. It doesn't Revive people. Keeps changing me to the tank and therefore it doesn't check if the tank is in combat.