Just got a perma ban after like a month botting. I had my first warning after 3 days using honnorbuddy, and now after like a month botting i got my perma BAN. I have no idea why that happened, I was boting like 8-10 hours a day 80% supervised. I'm thinking about buying a new account but only if someone really knows what I was doing wrong so I dont get banned again.. Any ideas? Edit: Here goes the Suspension/BAN form 1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy 2)If so, when was the last time?: This night, i turnned bot off and logged out, and after like 6 hours I tried do login again and..... 3)What profile were you using?: w00t twilight highlands mining+herb(I was just mining though) 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: ShamWOW by Bobby53 5)What plugins are you using?: I rly can't recall, i think none or only the ones that Gathermate2 and this profiles uses to mail and stuff.. 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 8-10 6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 75% 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 100+- 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No 10)EU or US realm? US P.S.: Some of my farm I was passing to my other account trough a guild bank, do you think that might be a reason to think I was selling gold?
you haven't provided enough information for us to even guess how you got banned. Please also try to appeal using one of my Unban Templates http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/41384-unban-template-letters.html
pls report the issue with this form as template: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...orts/6336-form-gb-hb-suspension-ban-form.html
I believe the question is; Do you know what you were doing wrong? I can't see what you were doing wrong from my computer Perhaps you were gold selling? Never heard of a ban just after 3 days of using honorbuddy.
Yea I never sold gold and lever left the bot unsupervised I rly have no idea what I was doing wrong and I understand why neither does you =P.. Sure I'll do that right away just gimme 5 min
I have been using HB for a few months now... some days more than others - sometimes just using LazyRaider and having it run my combat, others days for gathering... for awhile I had it run a horde druid 1-70ish questing and achy for awhile... no bans, no suspensions... so alot has to do with what you are doing and what profile you are doing it with... Just my .02 worth... of course, a true ban report would help (see Stormchasing's post for the form)
Just edited the post with a true BAN report.. I'm rly thinking the reason for the BAN was transfering some of my farm to another account, but it's still weird since I have this other account on my real id friend list for a while, and the gold/ores transfers whas trough guild bank..
If you posted 100+ stacks of ore, it could have been that - some ppl report suspected botting when they see stacks and stacks of cheap mats. If that's what you did, then post smaller stacks multiple times a day and remove what's been undercut... or boil it down by creating stuff with them and sell or disenchant the items. If that wasn't it, we have seen several reports recently all using W00ts profiles. It's easy to spot a bot when there are several people in the area using the same profile... nothing shouts BOT like 3 toons mining in a conga line.
Yea I never posted all the 100 at once you know, it was more like 10 or 20, 5 to 10 times a day.. I really belive it was some report from w00ts profile, since I used a hyjal profile for almost all the month and now with 5 days of woot i got the ban.. You think the transfer trough guild bank has nothing to do with it?!
Many people transfer mats through guild banks and most have no problems... most times even transferring small to medium loads of gold can be done the same way with low risk. From what people have said, it seems that most people get suspended/banned due to reports from others - so either someone saw your auctions up alot and reported you (possible but not as likely since they were smaller stacks) or you were spotted by someone farming the area for such a long time. (8-10 hours in one location would be more than I would do... I'll be using buddymanager to farm 1 area for about 2 hours, hearth, portal to new zone... form there for about 2 hours... and repeat that for at least 3 areas... and even my zones will be custom 4-5 loop routes. There are just too many ppl using the same public gathering profiles.
This. And this. Using public profiles is very risky, specially if you happen to be on a high pop server. Make your own. Search for Zaprecorder and read the instructions. It's fairly easy. And regarding the auctions... 100 stacks of mats a day might raise awareness about you. I suggest you find some private buyers. Look who the major gem/glyphs sellers are and get in touch with them. My 2 cents.
Either that, or if you have a few toons, making one of them JC/Inscription and another Blacksmithing/Enchanting could turn out to be very profitable.
That depends on how much time you're willing to invest though. I just suggested he got private buyers because he pointed out he posted 100 auctions per day.
I'm using one of the profiles for Profession Buddy and it automates all the milling/prospecting and sends it to my AH toon. Takes hardly any time, boils your stuff down and you turn a much larger profit out of it.
many people get banned with this profile, don?t use auctions. with bot. And don?t bot so long it?s normaly that someone report you. On my Server there are so many bot?s i never thougth about it until i bot myself. I see so many people botting and have to laught but don?t report someone. I kill them sometimes hehe, my tipp don?t bot so long and don?t bot every day. Do a break for 2-6 Days or something like that if someone always See your " Name " Flying in twilight. or hyal uldum then he get pissed and think " grr he always bot?s and i have to farm it by myself. Do you understand what i gonna to tell you ??? Sorry for my english (And Always use an AH Toon don?t use your Farm Char for auctions.) gl with new account
If you got your first warning after 3 days and just continue like nothing had happened. Do the math. You were obviously doing something that got you reported more than once !