Hey i would really need a plugin or pb profile that i can use on my bank char, i need it to c.o.d items to other people. So you only put in what kind of item, to who, and price per mail. This would save me many hours a day and i?m ready to pay for it!
You mean as a complete bot, E.G. you run it on it's own and it'll be the bot running (instead of questing/gather buddy 2/profession buddy/whatever), or, you mean as a plugin (E.G. runs as you run other bots. It replaces the default mailing system)? I could probably code the first one, not the second one.
Pretty sure I could do the first one for gather buddy with profession buddy: If(SecondBot != "GatherBuddy 2") { ChangeBot("GatherBuddy 2"); } while (true) { if(inventory.getCount() >= 2) { LoadProfile('ProfileName.xml'); } if(inventory.getCount() < 2) { GoToMailbox(true); //auto finds mailbox CustomAction("Lua.DoString(\"RunMacroText(\"/for int bag = 0; bag < 5; bag++; do for int slot = 0; i < bagSlotAmount[bag]; i++; do if(mailSlot[maxSlot] != null) { /Useactionbutton 1; } /use bag[slot]; end; end;\");\");"); } } Or some shit like that, but, if I did do it I'd want it as a plugin and not a profile. Downloading C# now.
Contact me, I'm able to make such a CoD PB profile for ya. In fact, I already released a sample PB profile for this, you can check out my signature. If you need it more specified, add me on Skype and we can talk details.