I've never had any previous problems with my computer or the bot, no idea what it means and no idea what I should do to fix the problem, any help?
give us your Hb log
I have tried, still the same.. the last time I used it it was fine, no problems since i've purchased until today when I actually needed to do something. -.-
Rebooted my pc and still the same, i'll try a fresh installation and get back to you on the outcome, thanks.
Hi again, rebooted my computer one final time and also deleted everything associated with HB, redownloaded and tried again, still the same problem.
looks like something is wrong in Windows then,cant thing anything else can you roll back the OS at the date that Hb was working on your machine?
I considered that quite a while ago but the date it lets me go back to is the 17th of this month, that's about as far back as it'll let me for some reason, i'm just trying to figure out at which day I was using HB. I'll give that a shot.
Hey, after a good few hours messing around with my pc settings and stuff I think i've managed to fix the problem, however i'll post some feedback now and then and see if the issue occurs again, thanks.