Hi, I just bought Honorbuddy 1 Elite account and I recieved my key yesterday but it says Max Session Authentication failed! how can this be? I have read the other forums reguarding this and done everything people suggested which have all failed I have: - Killed the session (when it appeared, sometimes when it wasn't working and I went to kill the session there was none??) - Started WoW THEN Honorbuddy -Disabled the addons on WoW -Deleted the contents of the folder "Settings" of Honorbuddy -Sent the error reports when it crashes. -Restarted the computer Can someone please help?!
if it is still a problem try going to the Buddy Auth Portal and follow the guide with the link attched and kill all sessions this should free it up
yea when i first open it it crashes and then when i try to log in again in comes up with the "max session authentication failed" message from there on eac htime i try to log in.
make sure that you have all the latest updates installed for your OS go at control panel and run windows updates install all the important updates
everything is up to day on my OS. but it still comes up with the crash report and then the max sessions authentication failed message.
id like to work out this session business too, im having alot of trouble trying to find out how it works. I have purchased the 1 session elite for a year. my very limited understanding so far is that it will only let me use it once in a certain time period. heres where a very serious problem comes into play, it loads very slow and is unresponsive when trying to open the different option buttons and stuff, it often locks up to the point where i have to go into task manager and kill the process. upon restarting the program, my session is maxed/used..... this is pathetic, i paid good money for something i cant use. could an admin please look at the account im posting this from and refund/deactivate it please. thank you. my os is windows 7 ultimate, x64 with all updates and drivers configured correctly. including .net and stuff. the bot doesnt give any other errors, it just locks up to the point where i have to kill it and loses my session. theres no harm in refunding me, its not like i can use it afterward. cant even use it now.
if for some reason your machine cant kill Hb process its not an Hb fault anyways you can register here Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal using the same email u used in checkout page and you can kill the session there
tony i sorted it out, i figured out that i had not extracted it properly so i deleted it and redownloaded it and extracted it properly and worked.