This is weird, he just flies in circles in durotar... Am i doing something wrong? I followed the exact steps.
see my first post for options for skinning i just tested hb and figured out the options to make the bot skin correctly using these profiles.
Okay I see buuuuuuuttt O; it goes back to orgrimmar and deposits or whatever? And one more thing in thousand needles the bot seems really confused rofl is there a fix for that O.O
Nice profile, but you should really try and prevent the bot from attacking the oozes in Unguro crater. Slows the bots skinning phase down a lot.
Just start using this, working as should Though that said, He kills a mob, runs away, then runs back to skin, any way to make him skip the running and just skin after he kills
maybe raise or lower the loot radius in the options tab. i dunno that has nothing to do with the profile.
open the profile and see if there is a mailbox. then in ur bot settings for gb2 put ur bankers name and it should mail them to him. if there is no mailbox its pretty easy to add one in uldum.