i recently joined ur community by purchasing honorbuddy but, i wanted to share somethings with u i have a guide on WoW wich is defenatly the fastest way from 1-85 i am willing to share this to u guys but im new to the whole scripting and setting up so i thaught it would be easyer to give it to one of the moderators. Already talked to tony and he said i need to pm u.
kick has his PM's turn off, its not that his box is full. if you have a problem with a profile you need to post in the thread where you got the profile from.
I was wondering why the questing profiles didn't use a quest line like say Zygors quest line. It would definitely make things a lot faster than having it pick all the quests up.
you would think, but really its not much faster, besides unlike how the quest guide is setup where it will tell you, "Kill the boars and collect the apples" the bot cant do them at the same time, it has to kill 10 boars then go and collect 10 apples. or whatever. so even if you where to follow it, there still wouldn't be any speed advantage.