I've been using honorbuddy for a few months now just to level and I've attempted to make money with it before but it did not work well at all, now I really want to get a bot going for money making but I'm not sure how to do it what to do.. someone help..
I realy dont think ppl will tell you how to make money, find a good market on youre server or move to a other one, good luck
I know its not an answer to the question you asked, but Don't get greedy adn most likely you won't get banned... Currently I have 1 bot running but I only run it for 12-13 hours if that with some days off cause I forget to set it up or w.e. but if you get mining to 525 you can make quite a lot of money just mining and selling with no need to prospect for gems or make bs items and disenchant. currently I have about 2k gold on every single char I play on ( about 8 ) and then I have a guild bank ( guild for my friends and I only , about 6 people ) and I just got it up to 100k gold. so tl;dr ; mine stuff, don't get greedy and you won't get banned.