Has anyone had a problem with their hunter not wanting to fight from a distance? i've changed the settings on bgbuddy etc etc, but he keeps running up trying to melee the enemy. have tried this with FPSware, ezmarks, and singular . all Cc's are trying to melee 90% of fight. Also this has only happened to me while in battlegrounds. i haven't done ay quest , etc yet. View attachment 1-28-2012_11_36 AM 22636 Log.txt
Yes! Big big problem, currently leveling a hunter at the moment and I've chosen beast mastery to sort of overcome this. It is a really big issue and is a dead bot giveaway.
Yes very bad indeed, i swithced to using the default hunter CC and its working great, steady shot, ect its actually using range lol im also BM
Using singular but the only problem is, when the pet is missing the bot will try to use Revive Pet even though the pet is not dead it will just try to cast Revive Pet for hours on end.
I had the same Problem with the CC Fpsware Hunter but i switched to Singular then and now it works Fine.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...riven-all-one-cc-just-plain-works-pt-2-a.html This is flawless for my BM hunter...
I'm having the same issue even with Singular and BGbuddy. Someone goes into melee range and it just stands there whacking the person. I've updated with FPS Singular and made sure to delete the folder and start fresh. I'm going to try re-installing HB.