I've just started leveling my first character with questing bot, I'm using kicks 1-58 alliance, and fpsware rogue and it seems to be doing the quests fine but I'm having a few other problems. Firstly I'd like to stop it from training after every level because the bot ends up running to stormwind half the time and it wastes half an hour each time it does it, is there any way to do that? Secondly I'd like to stop it from using flight paths because they seem to glitch the bot and he will just stand there until I restart the bot. But the main issue is I cant seem to find an options menu anywhere, when I click bot config the only thing that pops up is a little window pops up saying "ground mount farming node". Any help is appreciated , TY
training: in my profile - open it in notepad and find (ctrl+f) these: TrainNewSkills="True" LearnFlightPaths UseFlightPaths change True to False in the bot - settings & tools - untick train new skills and use / learn fp's
Thank you guys both, that's exactly what I was looking for and just did it now. so hopefully I wont have anymore issues.