Yeah, that would be the case a few patches ago. However, the best would be to apply Explosive shot before the last tick runs out. a 0.1 sec delay on the shot should make this perfect! ref::: Elitist Jerks. I havent studied the code for this much yet, i will whenever i get the time!
Yeah, your right i haven't played since Dragonslayer was cool thanks for the tips had no clue about this change !
Hello shaddar.. Love your work man... im new to hunter and i wondered wich one of theese 2 cc?s would be best for ds raiding?
I main a hunter and I'd say Survival is the best spec at the moment, as for Shaddar's CC's both are great, so just use his SV CC. I used his MM CC on Spine personally because SV has too many DoTs, and the burst DPS of MM.
I started testing the 3.3 survival since after the 4.3 patch it's the best DPS spec and i noticed a few small things first of all the lock and load proc wich the actual rotation to be used Explosive shot, Cobra shot, Explosive Shot, Cobra shot , Explosive shot or with some arcaneshots in between is now spamming 3 times explosiveshot wich means it resets it's duration without the last tick to explode. this means that one tick with a damage of roughly 7 to 20k dmg exery refresh is lost in 5 seconds, if my math is correct this is in this 5 seconds a loss of about 40k dmg when shot 3 times. Manualy i do roughly 22k dps on a targetdummy unbuffed without big proc's, thought when i use the script it's decreased to 19.2k. I tested it also in a dungeon, and manualy i did 31.5k dps and with the script only 27.5k dps. I hope you can modify the script to get more dps out of it.
If the script did that close to your dps, its not bad tbh. But yeah. Im updating alot of my CCs tonight. Although you should update yourself on the explosive shot theory, your outdated Read some of my earlier replies in the thread or simply visit elitist jerks! *update inc today/tomorrow*
I indeed know i'm outdated on my part there , but that's why i'm searching for the new script. Thanks for updating it. BTW when someone else is spamming huntersmark the bot doesnt do Dmg and keeps refreshing Hunter Mark.
Hey Shaddar, first off, awesome CC's. I use your CCs for all 11 of my toons that you have a CC for. So glad you added Aff locks in there. I haven't used it much but plan too soon. My main is a 390 MM Hunter, previously SV. I edited your CC to use arcane shot as the focus dump instead of Aimed since I was specced/reforged for it but the DPS was about the same either way. The last time I read about priority it said that it was better to go for arcane shot instead of aimed since there is a lot of moving in DS, which I don't really see. It said to use arcane as the focus dump EXCEPT in the first 10% of the boss's health because of the Careful Aim talent and whenever you get Aimed Shot under a 2 sec cast time. I have the 4 piece T13 for the haste bonus and also the Starcatcher Compass trinket. I'm going to try respeccing/reforging for hard aimed shot instead of arcane and see the dps difference. The only thing that would make your MM CC better for me is to have follow the rules I listed above.
This is something I got working well yesterday for my hunter CC that you can use if interested. PHP: public void C(string spellName, WoWUnit target) { if (spellName.Equals("Cobra Shot") && Me.IsMoving && !Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Aspect of the Fox") && CC("Aspect of the Fox")) { SpellManager.Cast("Aspect of the Fox"); SpellManager.Cast(spellName, target); return; } else if (Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Aspect of the Fox") && CC("Aspect of the Hawk")) { SpellManager.Cast("Aspect of the Hawk"); SpellManager.Cast(spellName, target); return; } else { SpellManager.Cast(spellName, target); return; } }
Been prioritizing irl lately mate. Besides im trying to create some GUI's which some people said wasnt hard at all lol, but im struggeling. So when the GUI is up ill post an update
I'm not trying to be harsh, but this seems to be quite low on dps ... my ilvl is 380 and i'm hitting about 14-16k dps with this? i see people with roughly the same gear, hitting at least 20k...:s im using MM, is Survival the better option??
Its a method for casting. The spells in the rotation would have to use it for it to work. For GUIs, the are really easy. I would suggest looking at my paladin or priest CC to see one it action. They both use a property grid to display the settings. This way, you won't need to worry yourself with creating 50 checkboxes or whatever. The settings.cs file can pretty much be copy/pasted. If you are using visual C# express, this will take you about 15 minutes to get going. Then for using in your CC, it is also really simple: PHP: if (DiscSettings.Instance.Fade_SET && HaveAggro() && CC("Fade")) { C("Fade"); }
Thanks for the tips man! Ive just learned how to make a GUI now though So ill update this CC today/tomorrow, depends when im done writing the codes. Ive begun working on it already, so stay tuned! Hopefully itll be a DPS boost. And I can promise a GUI with alot of options! - Shaddar