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  • Might get banned?!?!?! what do i do

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by dylweed55, Jan 31, 2012.

    1. dylweed55

      dylweed55 New Member

      Dec 14, 2010
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      Ive been botting almost everynight now for 8 hours, and i guess my guild has started to catch on, they all have been saying im a botter. Not sure what to do, oviously 1st thought i would wanna calm down on the botting, but i think that would be suspicous cuz they wont see me on at anymore when im usually on and right after they accuse me of botting too, i also thought i should leave the guild but im thinking they may report me if i do that or get more suspicous cuz i left the guild. What do i do?
    2. deltasniper213

      deltasniper213 New Member

      Nov 28, 2011
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      lol dont worry blizz wont ban you if you stop botting. just stop botting and if they keep bugging you name change.
    3. boogeyman269

      boogeyman269 New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      I may get banned to i played today for realz and it looked very bottish lol. I havent played for real in so long i look like a bot when i dont bot lol.
    4. deltasniper213

      deltasniper213 New Member

      Nov 28, 2011
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      i wouldnt worry about it :p just dont bot for awhile.
    5. solo1420

      solo1420 Member

      Oct 13, 2011
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      I saw this guy botting one day. I could tell he was using HB. :rolleyes:
      So I looked up his guild and it was lvl 25. :)
      I caught him at the keyboard (finally, after numerous attempts) one day and asked him for invite to the guild (on one of my farmer accounts).
      I now have 3 farmers in the guild for the bonus mats perk and speed perk and nobody ever messes with them in the guild, even though they are always on, farming the same zones everyday. Guess I got lucky and found a bot friendly guild.

      Yeah, back on topic......
      I wouldn't worry about it. If it happens, it happens. Most likely you will get the account back if it does happen. If you are concerned about it, just don't bot for a week or so.
    6. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      You be like me, I've been 'hacked' about 60 times. Every week I make a new email and say I'm hacked, then, change to a new IP. If I get banned, I was hacked.
    7. Gauge

      Gauge New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have my own lvl 25 raiding guild with 300+ members. I keep the guild bank loaded with gold and mats for raiding purposes. Nobody has a clue I bot. I rarely bot my main and if I do its for leveling alt purposes only. I have an account dedicated to botting and I filter everything through our guild bank. I've always found it best to not rely on one toon for gathering. I have 2 pallies 2 druids all with herb/mining. And though my account runs pretty much 15-20 hours a day. No one toon is ever on more than 4-6 hours at a time. I rotate my farmers and the zones they farm constantly so that no one toon is always in the same area. I have done this for years and have more gold than any one person could possibly spend. Now my guild benefits because I have no.desire to sell gold. For me the thrill is from botting. I've always been very careful in my botting ways so that my main account is not ever in danger. I know that its not a matter of if I get caught on my bot account but when I get caught. Point is don't bot what your scared to lose. I've been very fortunate or lucky. As I've botted since Glider days. But gliders demise was best thing to ever happen for me cause I probably wouldn't have found HB had it not. Happy Botting and good luck

      Thunderbolt using Tapatalk
    8. Gauge

      Gauge New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lol went on a tangent about what I do and never really touched on your question. To hell with them, tell them your not a botter and don't appreciate being acused of being one. Gquit and fuck em. Simple as that. Then re read my previous post. Re roll you another farmer or two and be more careful in the future. One report will not get you banned. I've been reported or told I was reported more times than I can count. And always by another botter. The average person can not tell your a botter other than you always being on all the time. Mix it up, make multiple farmers. Greed will always get you banned. Patience and brains is your best friend. And unless your botting with the intentions to sell gold then what's the rush. Gold will come. Been botting for years, I have roughly 3.5 mil spread across my 10 toons. And close to a mil in the guild bank. I hope this helps

      Thunderbolt using Tapatalk
    9. GsRuffneck

      GsRuffneck New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      My buddy lets me use his account from North Carolina while im in kansas. When he got a temp ban (the email didnt say a duration of the ban/suspension OR a reason why) they look @ the ip and unban him. He gets free 85's while he's too busy to work with epic flying and 377 crafted gear, i get mats and money and i give him a cut. Its pretty win win imo ^.^

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