I just thought of this but i think you guys should work on intergrating the guild perk Mobile Baking, into honorbuddy (for use with Gathering) so that when bags are full its set to just use that perk and put everything in ur vault, oviously if ur in a real guild u dont wana just put everything in there but for the people who have their own guild and their own vault just to put herbs and ores in it, would save a bit of time. Not sure if possible but just something to think about
Would be handy especially combining that with the goblin hobgoblin perk too, not sure how feasible it is to implement though possibly requiring new behaviour for it? I have so little experience with coding.
As far as i know this should be possible with a plugin? Cant code myself, but i guess its possible - This would be seriously awesome!! Would be so nice if someone would code it.