Has anybody had problems with ''Poseidus circle around'' profile? It works fine until it gets stuck somewhere... Has anybody killed Poseidus with another profile?
damn damn damn damn The one night all week I go out he spawns after not doing so for a very long time
I didn't get it, I don't know what happened though I wasn't home. I have a bad feeling my character was the first there but didn't interact with him
Has anybody else a problem with Putridus? I'm farming TLPD in Bors Breath (camping with profile) and whenever Putridus is detected, the bot wants to fly to him, but he never reaches him, on a mountain the bot dismounts and my toon gets heavy fall damage and he's even dead sometimes. And no automatic release of the corpse? Anybody who knows what to do? Please help me out
No config window Hiya, I am new to Honorbuddy, I installed Rarekiller and enabled as per instalation guide, and saved and can use the profile "Timelost Protodake(GB2)" but... when it comes to this part Press Button Settings and Config the Plugin with the Config Window and press Save I use gatherbuddy2 (is this correct?) there is no "Settings" button, so i hit the "Settings and Tools" which doesnt bring me to a Rarekiller config box... And if I hit the "Bot Config" button that just takes me to the Gatherbuddy2 config box. Do you meant the Settings and tools button? Sorry, I am probably just making a newb error somewhere. Help Please.
I also had this problem, so I added him to the BlacklistedMobs list. Just add this to BlacklistedMobs.xml inside Plugins\Rarekiller\config: <Mob Entry="32487" Name="Putridus the Ancient" />
I am not sure if this is a plugin issues or a GB2 issue. But when I try and run the plugin the bot only uses ground mounts. I am using the "gb2 frostbitten" profile and using combat bot. Any help here would be great!
Fianlly got the correct camel figurine yesterday on my druid and got transported to the zone, however, the bot decided to not pull Domus (despite having the pull Domus button checked) and decided to try to fly back to Uldum. Luckily I was near my computer and caught it in time. I turned off the bot, pulled the big guy and got the mount! The Rarekiller works great with interacting with the figurines and it may be that the plugin was going to try to pull domus but my system may have taken too much time at the load screen when transporting between zones, not sure. Anyhow, I got my camel and title so I am happy.
What happens, if I use a Herb+Poseidus profile and my Bags are full/almost full and he kills Poseidus but has not enough spaces, because Poseidus also drops an epic and a recipe, will he loot the Mount first? Furthermore when i want to use Moonfire to pull a mob, can i set 8921 as SpellID and max range of the spell (in this case 40) (Moonfire - Spell - World of Warcraft) Also my plugin does not alert a sound anymore when I get whispered, how to fix it?