You solo the first boss, as long as you are not on *heroic*, this should be very doable for almost anyone (no i do not know what the exceptions might be, or actual ilevel needed to do the soloing, i am in 386 fury warrior gear though.
Trying it out now. We are going with a warrior, a rogue and a resto druid to keep us up with all the stacks. You gain Charms even if you don't get the killing blow so grouping up is only positive. If the broken path get fixed, I will 5 star for sure! Anyone have a clue how I can configure my rogue to only do Fan of Knives?
~ alright an update on my situation, was able to kill the first boss, had to manage my CD's *very* carefully basically went down like this: start fight -> deathwish ->wait a sec for a tenticale (lfr sword version) -> rotting skull trinket -> make sure to always interrupt shock blast -> kill caster adds (at least 1 of them) first And basically rince n' repeat, I had to use victory rush 6x (one from each add) and ended the fight with 2% hp left (3.3k) ~ could have switched to tank and easily killed it, but wanted to give people an idea on what can happen using a fury warrior in fairly decent gear. ~~~ time to start charm farmin!
Personally I've found Halls of Lightning to be more efficient as a non healing class, playing a sub rogue, only real healing I have, is recuperate, which requires combopoints, which is per definition not possible on these mobs, getting a max of 2 pts, and spending energy on recup all the time, just slows it down alot, and even at that, I'm slowly dying to the aoe shit they do. Halls of Lightning on the other hand, offers mobs with no real damage, (ie the stacking debuff given in TotT isn't there, obviously), and recup can easily keep me alive. I don't even bother moving in HoL, i've found standing near the forge in the middle, with the entrance to my back, offers a respawn time on 1-2 seconds, and continues to do so. I have no idea how long the bot has been running, but I'm currently at 600 lovely charms, and 110 love tokens, and soon to be the first owner of a Swift Lovebird on my realm. EDIT: Using the TotT, what's your kills/hr on?
~ grind bot; // To answer your question Samic, i've gotten about (12 stacks of 40) so 480x "Lovey Charms" since 7:05, it is now 7:52 (according to my time zone of course). edit: What are you killing in that instance btw Samic? can't remember how that one is laid out.
The slags, you know, the mini gaunlet just after the first boss, where they basically instantly respawn, where 7 slages share the same spawnpoint, spawning at the moment with say 1-2 seconds apart. But compared to you, I'm not getting that many lovely charms, may have something to do with kills/hr, or general mob level difference affecting the droprate. Mind checking the info on your honorbuddy, and telling me your kills/hour ratio? With these, I'm currently sitting at around 700/hr, with zero downtime, due to recup, and the low damage. The slags has on heroic, 21.2k hp, so oneshottable with ease. Meh, I should ahve done this on horde, my rogue is my only alliance char, so switching it up now, is out of the question. :<
.... Whatever class you're using, I should have done the same!. :< Anywho, I'll be done in say, 2 movies? DDD
1872 at hour is what it's currently showing with 385 kills ~ but i've been switching back n' forth between doing it manually and using this profile. ~ i need to figure out how to make it so my warrior doesn't think it always needs to be in dang battle stance pre-combat..... just stay in berserker!?! >.< off to the guides section i go, hopefully there is something there that will help me. (if you guys can point me to the right direction would be much appreciated, i'll be refreshing this to see to see replys and how other people are doing in this thread still though.)
Yes, its normal. maybe 1 in 4 drops a charm. im just guessing here, but i seems about right. im at 1800kills/hr druid tank.